PARTIAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PARTIAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Partial” are: fond, incomplete, limited, qualified, restricted, imperfect, fragmentary, unfinished, biased, prejudiced, partisan, one-sided, slanted, skewed, coloured, interested, discriminatory, preferential, jaundiced, like, overtone, partial tone, partial derivative, fractional, sketchy, retraction, injustice, bias, wreckage, sectarian, intolerant, sector, section, bigot, serration, nearly, detachment, bigoted, inequality, partiality and 6 more.

OVERLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OVERLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Overly” are: excessively, too, unduly, inordinately, to too great an degree, to too great an extent, immoderately, exceedingly, exaggerated, undue, extremely, immoderate, intemperate, unwarranted, inordinate, very, eager, prolix, unjustified, excessive, verbose, really, disingenuous, furthermore, likewise, besides, additionally, also, distorted, wordy, similarly, either, broad, bombastic, super

OSTENTATIOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OSTENTATIOUS?

The synonyms and related words of “Ostentatious” are: pretentious, showy, conspicuous, obtrusive, flamboyant, gaudy, garish, tinselly, brash, vulgar, loud, extravagant, fancy, ornate, affected, theatrical, actorly, overdone, kitsch, tasteless, luxurious, luxuriously, wealth, profusion, abound, prosperity, plentiful, affluence, prosper, opulent, riches, abundance, affluent, substantially, plenitude, mellowness, jewellery, luxuriant, richness, deluxe and 9 more.

OPTIMUM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OPTIMUM?

The synonyms and related words of “Optimum” are: optimal, best, most favourable, most advantageous, most appropriate, ideal, perfect, prime, model, peak, pinnacle, zenith, highest point, high point, crown, crest, summit, top, tip, apex, apogee, foremost, optimize, choice, main, supreme, premier, preferable, unsurpassed, better, heyday, paramount, front, forefront, superlative, unmatched, improve, reelect, developed, incomparable and 8 more.

OPPRESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OPPRESS?

The synonyms and related words of “Oppress” are: crush, suppress, persecute, abuse, maltreat, ill-treat, treat harshly, be brutal to, be cruel to, tyrannize, repress, subjugate, hegemonize, subdue, subject, enslave, persecuted, abused, maltreated, tyrannized, subjugated, repressed, crushed, enslaved, exploited, victimized, misused, depress, make despondent, make gloomy, weigh down, lie heavy on, weigh heavily on, cast down, dampen someone's spirits, hang over, prey on, burden, dispirit, dishearten and 29 more.

MUTUAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MUTUAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Mutual” are: reciprocal, common, interchangeable, interactive, complementary, correlative, bilateral, interconnect, rapport, friendship, multilateral, interaction, inherence, affiliated, joint, cordiality, communal, relation, reciprocity, connection, interdependent, socialization, hinge, together, related, mutually, linked, mutuality, link, both, inborn

MOTIF: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MOTIF?

The synonyms and related words of “Motif” are: motive, theme, design, pattern, decoration, figure, shape, logo, monogram, device, emblem, ornament, symbol, badge, stamp, trademark, crest, insignia, coat of arms, escutcheon, seal, mark, rune, logotype, logogram, hallmark, tag, motto, token, colophon, ideogram, idea, concept, subject, topic, leitmotif, element, trope, geometric, geometer and 26 more.

MODIFICATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MODIFICATION?

The synonyms and related words of “Modification” are: adjustment, alteration, change, limiting, qualifying, softening, moderation, tempering, qualification, restriction, lessening, reduction, decrease, lowering, abatement, mitigation, adaptation, improvement, refinement, revision, recasting, reworking, reconstruction, reorganization, variation, amendment, mutation, transformation, variant, mutant, modify, metamorphose, alter, changed, rewrite, transfigure, transition, transmogrify, conversion, disabuse and 12 more.