GENDER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GENDER?

The synonyms and related words of “Gender” are: sex, sexuality, bisexual, androgynous, gay, homosexual, discrimination, obscenity, sexist, segregation, asexual, prostitution, racial, prostitute, neuter, prejudiced, heterosexual, sexism, agape, eros, vulgarity, dating, patriarchy, subculture, masochist, male, buoyant, reproductive, inequality, prurient, ambidextrous

FREELY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FREELY?

The synonyms and related words of “Freely” are: openly, candidly, frankly, plainly, straightforwardly, directly, explicitly, bluntly, outspokenly, unreservedly, voluntarily, willingly, readily, copiously, plentifully, amply, profusely, exuberantly, in profusion, in abundance, in great quantity, in large quantities, in plenty, in huge numbers, extensively, everywhere, all over the place, redeemable, convertible, accessible, soul, liberal, fraternize, flowing, adaptable, utilizable, useful, warranty, flexible, alacrity and 14 more.

FOG: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FOG?

The synonyms and related words of “Fog” are: daze, haze, fogginess, murk, murkiness, mist, mistiness, haar, smog, haziness, gloom, gloominess, stupor, trance, muddle, becloud, befog, cloud, haze over, obnubilate, obscure, steam up, mist over, cloud over, film over, become misty, become blurred, become covered in condensation, stupefy, fuddle, befuddle, bewilder, confuse, perplex, baffle, misty, moisten, aerosol, drizzle, humid and 21 more.

FLUENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FLUENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Fluent” are: eloquent, facile, silver, silver-tongued, smooth-spoken, fluid, liquid, smooth, articulate, expressive, communicative, coherent, cogent, illuminating, able to speak or write … easily and accurately, effortless, easy, natural, unbroken, uninterrupted, continuous, talker, speaker, flowing, oration, chat, glib, rhetorician, persuasive, eulogy, oratory, eloquence, orator, verbalize, eloquently, enunciate, vocalize, utter, declamatory, formulate and 7 more.

EXPRESSIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXPRESSIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Expressive” are: eloquent, meaningful, telling, revealing, demonstrative, suggestive, emotional, full of emotion, full of feeling, passionate, intense, poignant, moving, stirring, striking, evocative, artistic, indicative, corporeal, brushwork, communicative, funny, activity, irresistibly, laugh, anecdotal, expansive, kicking, face, drawn, blazon, amusing, droll, heraldic, exhilaration, jocose, repartee, hilarious, narrative, entertaining and 8 more.

EXCERPT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXCERPT?

The synonyms and related words of “Excerpt” are: excerption, extract, selection, part, section, piece, portion, fragment, snippet, clip, bit, reading, take out, recite, repeat, say again, reproduce, restate, retell, echo, iterate, parrot, following, quotation, publish, wording, alternative, optional, pick, menu, random, citation, reference, sentence, collector, option, choice, annotation, quote, cite and 10 more.

EXCELLENTLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXCELLENTLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Excellently” are: famously, magnificently, splendidly, fabulous, exceptional, wonderful, exceeding, superb, fantastic, phenomenal, outstanding, splendid, awesome, surpassing, incredible, amazing, prodigious, remarkable, regale, magnificent, ace, admirable, terrific, miraculous, marvelous, vantage, extraordinary, eminent, super, better, spectacular, excel, superior

EQUATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EQUATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Equate” are: correspond, compare, liken, equal, equalise, equalize, match, regard as the same as, regard as identical to, be equivalent, amount, balance, even off, even out, even up, level off, level up, square, tally, synchronize, identical, sync, simultaneous, same, congruent, likeness, analogy, similitude, concurrent, analogous, coincident, resemblance, comparison, comparable, alike, concurrently, similarity, contemporary, parallelism, counterpoint and 5 more.