BELIEVABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BELIEVABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Believable” are: credible, plausible, likely, convincing, creditable, probable, possible, feasible, tenable, acceptable, reasonable, sound, rational, logical, able to hold water, presumptive, trusting, trustful, confiding, dependable, trusted, gullible, trust, reliable, trustworthy, arguable, persuasion, proven, assured, faith, scientifically, credulous, dependence, accuracy, reliability, presumable, truthfulness, faithful, assurance

BEHAVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BEHAVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Behave” are: comport, act, do, acquit, bear, carry, conduct, deport, conduct oneself, acquit oneself, bear oneself, carry oneself, function, go, run, operate, perform, act correctly, act properly, conduct oneself well, act in a polite way, show good manners, mind one's manners, mind one's ps and qs, politely, rashly, headlong, courteously, moralistic, become, pretension, dissemble, hurried, pretend, ethology, feign, ideally, prudery, hasty, modestly and 10 more.

BEGINNER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BEGINNER?

The synonyms and related words of “Beginner” are: initiate, novice, tiro, tyro, father, founder, founding father, starter, learner, student, pupil, trainee, apprentice, probationer, neophyte, newcomer, newbie, freshman, amateur, unpracticed, rookie, layman, prentice, laity, entrant, fledgling, tutorial, sophomore, inexperienced, freshen, unprofessional, grader, wright, unused, exercising, nestling

APPALLING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for APPALLING?

The synonyms and related words of “Appalling” are: dismaying, shocking, horrific, horrifying, horrible, terrible, awful, dreadful, ghastly, hideous, horrendous, frightful, atrocious, abominable, abhorrent, outrageous, hateful, loathsome, odious, gruesome, grisly, monstrous, nightmarish, heinous, harrowing, dire, vile, shameful, unspeakable, unforgivable, unpardonable, very bad, disgraceful, deplorable, hopeless, lamentable, laughable, substandard, poor, inadequate and 19 more.

AMENITIES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AMENITIES?

The synonyms and related words of “Amenities” are: comforts, conveniences, creature comforts, leisure, recreational, fishing, picnic, recreation, pastime, entertainment, tourism, hobby, partake, bingo, badinage, avocation, boxing, travel, sporting, game, refreshment, sea, football, activity, philately, tournament, boat, stadium, canoe, outing, chess, championship, basketball

ALLUSION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ALLUSION?

The synonyms and related words of “Allusion” are: reference to, mention of, comment on, remark about, citation of, quotation of, hint at, suggestion of, metaphor, symbolism, reference, citation, mention, subtle, cite, ostensive, imagery, quotation, quote, annotation, notation, consultation, annotate, statement, apostrophe, typographic, comma, paraphrase, sentence, motto, refer, tin, maxim, caret, aforesaid, evidence, dictum, aforementioned

AFFORD: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AFFORD?

The synonyms and related words of “Afford” are: give, yield, open, pay for, bear the expense of, meet the expense of, spare the price of, have the money for, be rich enough for, have the wherewithal for, bear, sustain, stand, carry, provide, supply, present, purvey, make available, offer, impart, bestow, furnish, render, grant, produce, empower, endue, finance, invest, bestowal, situation, presentation, donation, endowment, offering, lend, award, cede, contribute and 10 more.

AFFLUENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AFFLUENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Affluent” are: flush, loaded, moneyed, substantial, wealthy, rich, prosperous, opulent, well off, with deep pockets, comfortable, confluent, feeder, tributary, prosper, abound, fertility, richness, booming, fecundity, affluence, abundant, thrive, fecundation, profusion, mellowness, fertile, teem, thriving, plenitude, prolific, plentitude, bountifulness, overflow, prosperity, flourishing, plenteous, galore, fecund, plentiful and 2 more.

ACHE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ACHE?

The synonyms and related words of “Ache” are: aching, pain, pang, twinge, throb, sorrow, sadness, misery, grief, anguish, suffering, agony, torture, wretchedness, distress, hurt, affliction, woe, mourning, longing, yearning, craving, desire, pining, hankering, hunger, hungering, thirst, itch, burning, suffer, languish, pine, yearn, yen, smart, stiff, tender, be sore, be painful and 47 more.