MUSCULAR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MUSCULAR?

The synonyms and related words of “Muscular” are: mesomorphic, brawny, hefty, powerful, sinewy, fibrous, strong, muscly, well built, powerfully built, well muscled, burly, strapping, sturdy, rugged, broad-shouldered, athletic, well knit, muscle-bound, herculean, manly, vigorous, robust, dynamic, potent, energetic, active, aggressive, manliness, virility, masculine, virile, tough, courage, tendinous, cramp, spasm, muscle, stamina, valiant and 10 more.

MOUTH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MOUTH?

The synonyms and related words of “Mouth” are: oral cavity, oral fissure, rima oris, mouthpiece, back talk, backtalk, lip, sass, sassing, lips, jaws, impudence, cheek, cheekiness, insolence, impertinence, effrontery, audacity, audaciousness, boldness, presumption, presumptuousness, sauciness, incivility, rudeness, disrespect, entrance, opening, entry, way in, entryway, inlet, access, ingress, rim, outfall, outlet, embouchure, debouchure, speak and 33 more.

MILITARY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MILITARY?

The synonyms and related words of “Military” are: fighting, armed, soldierly, martial, military machine, war machine, army, forces, services, militia, soldiery, arms, munition, warrior, weaponry, fortress, gun, artillery, soldier, armament, fort, ordnance, ammunition, disarm, naval, cantonment, battlefield, warfare, war, legionary, siege, warring, tactic, combatant, turret, arsenal, weapon, warlike

MENACING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MENACING?

The synonyms and related words of “Menacing” are: baleful, forbidding, minacious, minatory, ominous, sinister, threatening, intimidating, daunting, discouraging, menace, foreboding, formidable, aggressive, frustrating, degrading, unpleasant, omen, endanger, baneful, threaten, threat, fight, villain, wicked, roar, bellicose, warlike, intimidate, combative, confrontational

MANEUVER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MANEUVER?

The synonyms and related words of “Maneuver” are: manoeuvre, play, tactic, tactics, manoeuver, operate, channelise, channelize, direct, guide, head, point, steer, feint, strategically, plot, strategy, scheme, swindle, bluff, ploy, ouster, machiavellian, plan, stratagem, project, unbeatable, battlefield, trick, infiltration, obstructionist, bearish, tactician, warfare, trend, calculated, tactical, cozen, deception, transition

MALFUNCTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MALFUNCTION?

The synonyms and related words of “Malfunction” are: misfunction, crash, develop a fault, go wrong, break down, break, act up, be defective, be faulty, fail, cease to function, cease to work, stop working, breakdown, fault, failure, defect, flaw, collapse, impairment, improperly, kaput, detection, occurrence, detect, mishap, destroyed, unsuitable, problem, discovered, prevention, discover, discovery, espy, inappropriate, seismograph, ascertain, occur, happening, startling and 8 more.

LAX: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LAX?

The synonyms and related words of “Lax” are: loose, slack, slipshod, negligent, neglectful, remiss, careless, heedless, unmindful, inattentive, slapdash, offhand, casual, boot, hat, floppy, baggy, limp, lenient, unleash, reprehensible, sag, untie, sloppy, mitten, jacket, headdress, cape, free, undo, sweatshirt, absentminded, scarf, wear, doff, clothes

LAME: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LAME?

The synonyms and related words of “Lame” are: feeble, crippled, game, gimpy, halt, halting, limping, uninteresting, boring, tedious, tiresome, wearisome, dry, dry as dust, flat, bland, characterless, featureless, colourless, monotonous, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating, lacking variety, lacking variation, lacking excitement, lacking interest, unimaginative, uneventful, lifeless, soulless, insipid, weak, thin, flimsy, transparent, poor, puny, cripple, incapacitate and 37 more.

KARMA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for KARMA?

The synonyms and related words of “Karma” are: fate, destiny, fortune, providence, the stars, god's will, what is written in the stars, one's doom, one's portion, one's lot, one's lot in life, predestination, preordination, predetermination, what is to come, the writing on the wall, lot, stars, kismet, fatalism, reincarnation, nirvana, religious, fatalist, meditation, angelic, saintly, buddhism, deist, heavenly, divine, pious, believing, sacred, paradise, atheistic, synagogue, asceticism, cardinal, devout and 8 more.