STUNNED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STUNNED?

The synonyms and related words of “Stunned” are: dazed, stupefied, stupid, kayoed, ko'd, out, amazed, astonied, astonished, astounded, stupefy, limbo, faze, daze, stupor, surprise, astound, astonish, smitten, embarrass, amaze, distrait, coma, paralyze, daunt, mystify, perplex, dumbfound, skittish, impact, surprised, disconcert, startle, staggering, blank, bewilder, shock, intimidate, astounding, unnerve

STAB: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for STAB?

The synonyms and related words of “Stab” are: jab, knife, dig, poke, prod, run through, skewer, spear, bayonet, gore, spike, stick, impale, transfix, pierce, prick, puncture, penetrate, perforate, gash, slash, cut, tear, scratch, wound, injure, lunge, thrust, stabbing, stinging, keen, searing, pang, twinge, knife thrust, shot, punch, knife wound, incision, perforation and 33 more.

SIMPLIFY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SIMPLIFY?

The synonyms and related words of “Simplify” are: make simple, make simpler, make easier to do, make easier to understand, make easy to do, make easy to understand, make plainer, clarify, make more comprehensible, make more intelligible, remove the complexities from, disentangle, untangle, unravel, ease, processing, expedite, hasten, simplicity, facilitate, straightforward, clarity, accelerate, clear, directness, simple, simplification, unequivocal, hie, unambiguous, alleviate, quicken, unmistakable, univocal, brevity, hurry, decelerate, pacify, easiness, solidification and 4 more.

SHAKY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SHAKY?

The synonyms and related words of “Shaky” are: precarious, rickety, wobbly, wonky, shivering, trembling, tremulous, quivering, quivery, unsteady, weak, faint, dizzy, light-headed, giddy, unstable, rocky, flimsy, frail, faltering, uncertain, tentative, wobbling, tottering, tottery, doddering, doddery, staggering, unreliable, untrustworthy, questionable, dubious, doubtful, tenuous, suspect, unsubstantial, nebulous, unsound, undependable, unsupported and 26 more.

RESTLESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESTLESS?

The synonyms and related words of “Restless” are: uneasy, ungratified, unsatisfied, ill at ease, restive, fidgety, edgy, tense, worked up, nervous, agitated, anxious, keyed up, apprehensive, unquiet, impatient, sleepless, wakeful, insomniac, refractory, unanimated, disobedient, unsettled, wandering, aimlessly, bum, vagrant, aimless, vagabond, unruly, recalcitrant, adrift, roam, beggar, wayward, recusant, itinerant, floating, afloat, nervy and 5 more.