CONFER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONFER?

The synonyms and related words of “Confer” are: bestow, confab, confabulate, consult, bestow on, present to, present with, grant to, award to, decorate with, honour with, give to, give out to, gift with, endow with, vest in, hand out to, extend to, vouchsafe to, accord to, have discussions, discuss things, exchange views, talk, have a talk, speak, converse, communicate, have a chat, have a tête-à-tête, endow, grant, discuss, discourse, communication, dialogue, presentation, concession, chat, enable and 15 more.

CLOUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CLOUT?

The synonyms and related words of “Clout” are: clout nail, biff, lick, poke, punch, slug, pull, smack, slap, thump, blow, hit, knock, bang, cuff, box, spanking, spank, tap, clip, influence, power, weight, sway, leverage, control, say, mastery, dominance, domination, advantage, strike, beat, batter, pound, pummel, thrash, rap, buffet, hammer and 42 more.

CIRCLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CIRCLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Circle” are: band, lot, set, rotary, roundabout, traffic circle, mexican valium, r-2, roach, roofy, rope, rophy, round, circuit, lap, dress circle, ring, hoop, circlet, balcony, upper circle, group, company, body, coterie, clique, sphere, world, milieu, arena, domain, encircle, wheel, move round, move round in circles, revolve, rotate, whirl, spiral, gyrate and 35 more.

BOOM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BOOM?

The synonyms and related words of “Boom” are: microphone boom, roar, roaring, thunder, bonanza, bunce, godsend, gold rush, gravy, manna from heaven, windfall, reverberation, resonance, din, blast, nail, smash, expand, flourish, thrive, boom out, reverberate, resound, resonate, bellow, shout, bawl, yell, bark, inflation, prosper, ding, burgeon, bonus, grow, growth, abound, prosperous, affluent, thriving and 15 more.

BANTER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BANTER?

The synonyms and related words of “Banter” are: backchat, give-and-take, raillery, repartee, ripostes, sallies, swordplay, quips, wisecracks, crosstalk, wordplay, chaff, jolly, josh, kid, joke, jest, pun, sally, quip, persiflage, mockery, parody, badinage, spoof, teasing, witty, satirize, humor, travesty, charade, humorous, skit, laugh, hoot, witticism, jape, comedy, funny, derision and 5 more.

ATROCITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ATROCITY?

The synonyms and related words of “Atrocity” are: atrociousness, barbarity, barbarousness, heinousness, inhumanity, act of barbarity, act of brutality, act of savagery, act of wickedness, cruelty, abomination, enormity, outrage, horror, monstrosity, obscenity, iniquity, violation, crime, transgression, wrong, wrongdoing, offence, injury, affront, scandal, injustice, abuse, barbarism, brutality, savagery, wickedness, badness, baseness, evil, villainy, lawlessness, gory, dreadful, terrible and 25 more.

ASTOUNDING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ASTOUNDING?

The synonyms and related words of “Astounding” are: astonishing, staggering, stupefying, dumbfounding, dumfounding, amazing, shocking, surprising, breathtaking, striking, impressive, bewildering, stunning, incredible, amaze, astound, surprised, astonish, gruesome, redoubtable, shock, marvelous, awesome, flabbergasted, serendipity, wonderful, surprisingly, startle, daze, amazement, skittish, spooky, unbelievable, surprise, stupefy, grisly, puzzled, shattered, profound

ANOTHER WORD FOR SEXY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ANOTHER WORD FOR SEXY?

The synonyms and related words of “Another word for sexy” are: vocabulary, alphabet, lexicon, dictionary, translator, sentence, vowel, derivative, language, grammarian, lexicographer, spelling, term, bilingual, homonym, antonym, phonetic, pronunciation, verb, derivation, philologist, orthography, noun, diphthong, meaning, interpreter, collocation, paragraph, multilingual, grammar

ALIGNMENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ALIGNMENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Alignment” are: conjunction, alinement, alliance, coalition, arrangement, layout, geography, design, organization, order, ordering, array, presentation, grouping, sorting, positioning, disposition, ranging, union, partnership, affiliation, bloc, caucus, oriented, aligned, proper, vertically, parallel, horizontally, precise, properly, correct, straight, correctly, applicable, suitable, exactly, lineation, right, correspond and 13 more.