OCEAN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OCEAN?

The synonyms and related words of “Ocean” are: sea, the sea, a lot, a great amount, a large amount, a good deal, a great deal, plenty, quantities, an abundance, a profusion, coastal, offshore, islet, lagoon, coral, island, reef, coast, seabed, foreshore, kelp, seaweed, shellfish, maritime, isle, atoll, archipelago, sailor, marine, nautical, underwater, shore, algae, waterfront, fisherman, seashore, aquatic, beach, pool

MORPH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MORPH?

The synonyms and related words of “Morph” are: structural, frame, morphology, framework, constructive, morphological, functional, anatomical, construction, form, lineament, structure, functionalist, ferroconcrete, conceptual, skeleton, rigidity, computer, structuralism, dissection, equilateral, polymorphous, version, sculpture, remodel, invent, lattice, establishment, simulation, congruence

MINDFUL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MINDFUL?

The synonyms and related words of “Mindful” are: aware, aware of, conscious of, alive to, sensible of, alert to, awake to, acquainted with, watchful of, careful of, wary of, chary of, cognizant of, evocative, reminiscent, retentive, wary, memory, redolent, careful, recall, remember, remind, remembrance, recollection, recollect, circumspect, consciously, chary, alert, nostalgic, watchful, discreetly, discreet, subconsciously, cautious, perfunctory, attentive, suggestive, beware and 2 more.

MERE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MERE?

The synonyms and related words of “Mere” are: bare, simple, trifling, meagre, trivial, paltry, basic, scant, scanty, skimpy, minimal, slender, tyro, handful, soupcon, few, insignificant, pittance, smattering, simply, less, several, braggadocio, rookie, only, least, newbie, beginner, slight, trifle, novice, minimum, almost, minor, mini, negligible, little, some

MARVELOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MARVELOUS?

The synonyms and related words of “Marvelous” are: improbable, marvellous, tall, miraculous, fantastic, grand, howling, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous, prodigious, astonishing, incredible, amazing, exceeding, stupendous, awesome, enormous, exceptional, staggering, astounding, shattering, astonish, amaze, outstanding, unexpectedly, surprising, redoubtable, excellent, astound, surprisingly, smashing, profound, unconvincing, magnificent, remarkable, unimaginable

MARTYR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MARTYR?

The synonyms and related words of “Martyr” are: sufferer, be a constant sufferer from, have chronic …, martyrise, martyrize, put to death, kill, make a martyr of, christian, persecution, apostle, saint, evangelist, preach, cloister, ordination, clergyman, prophet, nunnery, monastic, pilgrimage, pilgrim, benedict, church, canonize, paragon, protestant, theologian, missionary, confessor, ideal, pope, sacerdotal, apologist, glorify, priesthood, reverend, buddhism

LUSH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LUSH?

The synonyms and related words of “Lush” are: succulent, juicy, luscious, red-hot, toothsome, voluptuous, deluxe, gilded, grand, luxurious, opulent, princely, sumptuous, exuberant, luxuriant, profuse, riotous, rich, abundant, superabundant, prolific, teeming, flourishing, thriving, vigorous, luxury, palatial, lavish, elaborate, extravagant, fancy, alcoholic, alky, boozer, dipsomaniac, soaker, souse, greenery, verdant, tropical and 27 more.