AUTOMATIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AUTOMATIC?

The synonyms and related words of “Automatic” are: automatonlike, machinelike, robotic, robotlike, reflex, reflexive, mechanized, mechanical, automated, preprogrammed, computerized, electronic, unmanned, instinctive, involuntary, unconscious, instinctual, subconscious, unconditioned, unthinking, unemotional, routine, habitual, inattentive, inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable, unpreventable, necessary, ineluctable, automatic pistol, automatic rifle, machine rifle, robot, automaton, automation, android, cyborg, dispenser, tripping and 17 more.

ASTONISHING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ASTONISHING?

The synonyms and related words of “Astonishing” are: astounding, staggering, stupefying, amazing, shocking, surprising, breathtaking, striking, impressive, bewildering, stunning, unexpectedly, awesome, prodigious, surprisingly, marvelous, curiously, amazingly, shattering, incredible, amaze, surprised, startling, astonish, redoubtable, wonderful, unusually, exceeding, unexpected, unbelievable, flabbergasted, wondering, miraculously, astound, stupendous, shock

ARCHITECTURE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ARCHITECTURE?

The synonyms and related words of “Architecture” are: computer architecture, building design, planning, building, construction, building style, design, structure, framework, form, formation, shape, composition, organization, layout, build, anatomy, make-up, constitution, remodel, architect, rebuild, gothic, recast, reshape, reconstruct, builder, modernist, baroque, architectural, redesign, style, sculpture, reconstitute, reconstruction, reforestation, classical, carpentry, spire, reinstate and 5 more.

APT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for APT?

The synonyms and related words of “Apt” are: apposite, pertinent, disposed, given, minded, tending, clever, liable, suitable, fitting, appropriate, befitting, relevant, felicitous, congruous, fit, applicable, judicious, apropos, inclined, likely, predisposed, prone, ready, subject, capable, quick, bright, sharp, quick to learn, smart, intelligent, adept, timely, proper, opportune, punctual, pertinence, affordable, relevance and 8 more.

ANECDOTE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ANECDOTE?

The synonyms and related words of “Anecdote” are: story, tale, narrative, sketch, reminiscence, memoir, recall, recollection, nostalgic, remember, remembrance, recollect, conjure, impressed, reminiscent, joke, reminder, evocative, retrospect, vividly, catchy, reminisce, boyhood, memory, remind, personal, implore, mindful, reawaken, narrate, redolent, evoke, eidetic

ANCHOR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ANCHOR?

The synonyms and related words of “Anchor” are: ground tackle, anchorman, anchorperson, backbone, keystone, linchpin, lynchpin, mainstay, cornerstone, bulwark, chief support, main source of security, main source of stability, foundation, prop, centre, central point, centre of attention, hub, pivot, nucleus, heart, kingpin, bedrock, basis, cynosure, announcer, anchorwoman, newscaster, broadcaster, reporter, ground, cast anchor, drop anchor, moor, berth, harbour, be at anchor, tie up, secure and 38 more.

ADOLESCENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ADOLESCENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Adolescent” are: jejune, juvenile, puerile, teen, teenage, teenaged, pubescent, youthful, young, immature, childish, babyish, infantile, inane, silly, fatuous, stripling, teenager, youngster, young person, young adult, young man, young woman, young lady, young one, youth, minor, infancy, deviation, puberty, maturation, delinquency, lad, kid, adult, adolescence, maidenhood, junior, schoolgirl, childhood and 8 more.