UNDERCOVER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNDERCOVER?

The synonyms and related words of “Undercover” are: clandestine, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, secret, surreptitious, underground, covert, private, confidential, conspiratorial, furtive, backstair, stealthy, closet, operative, infiltrate, spy, espionage, disguised, infiltration, hidden, concealed, defector, ulterior, secrecy, concealment, underhanded, lair, sly, subterranean, secretive, den, sensitization, crypt, investigate, sneak, esoterica

UMBRELLA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UMBRELLA?

The synonyms and related words of “Umbrella” are: parasol, sunshade, patronage, aegis, protection, guidance, support, backing, guardianship, trusteeship, sponsorship, supervision, influence, control, charge, responsibility, keeping, care, auspices, championship, safe keeping, protectorship, cover, agency, raincoat, canopy, hat, jacket, veil, cape, conceal, coat, headdress, scarf, kerchief, mask, glove, cashmere, sweater, cloth and 12 more.

TWINKLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TWINKLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Twinkle” are: scintillate, winkle, blink, flash, wink, glitter, sparkle, shine, glimmer, shimmer, glint, gleam, glisten, flicker, glimmering, glinting, winking, run lightly, dart, dance, skip, flit, glide, light, spark, scintillation, sparkling, twinkling, dazzle, brightness, glow, beam, flare, glare, radiance, illumination, luminescence, luminosity, incandescence, phosphorescence and 15 more.

TURNAROUND: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TURNAROUND?

The synonyms and related words of “Turnaround” are: turnround, change of mind, flip-flop, reversal, turnabout, turnaround time, reverse, reversion, change, move, about-face, volte-face, u-turn, rowback, revolutionize, invert, transposition, load, overturn, setback, opposite, throwback, replacement, flip, inversion, dramatic, retrograde, spoonerism, atavism, headfirst, funnel, regressive, rearrange, backward, zephyr, permutation, substitution, inverse, breeze, backwards

TRINITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRINITY?

The synonyms and related words of “Trinity” are: threesome, triad, trio, 3, deuce-ace, iii, leash, tercet, ternary, ternion, terzetto, three, tierce, trey, trine, triplet, troika, holy trinity, triplets, triumvirate, triangle, triplex, quadruple, triple, pirouette, sextuple, double, quartet, four, numeral, one, multiple, six, triplicate, trilogy, ten, fourth, sextet, tether, trillion and 7 more.

TONGUE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TONGUE?

The synonyms and related words of “Tongue” are: spit, clapper, glossa, lingua, knife, natural language, manner of speaking, way of speaking, manner of talking, way of talking, form of expression, mode of expression, choice of words, language, dialect, patois, vernacular, mother tongue, native tongue, jargon, argot, cant, pidgin, creole, lingua franca, promontory, headland, point, head, foreland, cape, peninsula, bluff, ness, naze, horn, chin, hyoid, lip, acidic and 25 more.