REVELRY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REVELRY?

The synonyms and related words of “Revelry” are: revel, celebration, celebrations, partying, parties, revels, festivities, festivity, jollification, merrymaking, carousing, carousal, debauchery, frolics, reveler, drunken, feast, carouse, drunk, beer, bibulous, sober, tipsy, drink, bender, spree, inebriated, booze, alcohol, inebriety, alcoholic, inebriate, tipple, plastered, orgy, bacchanalian, intoxicated, oaf, liquor, intoxicate and 2 more.

RESTATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESTATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Restate” are: ingeminate, iterate, reiterate, repeat, retell, enumerate, list, itemize, detail, spell out, set out, present, specify, name, give, describe, delineate, catalogue, recite, rattle off, paraphrase, reprise, repetition, repeatedly, echo, recapitulate, again, pummel, alliteration, say, habit, warn, hobby, repeating, habitually, translation, constantly, quotation, review, tautology and 7 more.

RESPONSIBLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESPONSIBLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Responsible” are: responsible for, creditworthy, in charge of, in control of, accountable for, liable for, charged with, answerable, accountable, to blame, important, powerful, authoritative, executive, high, trustworthy, capable of being trusted, trusty, level-headed, rational, sane, reasonable, sensible, sound, stable, mature, adult, duty, obligated, attribute, morally, legally, ascribe, beholden, sustainable, liable, impute, required, demonstrably, environmentally and 15 more.

RESIDENCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESIDENCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Residence” are: hall, manse, mansion, mansion house, abidance, residency, abode, home, house, apartment, place of residence, address, accommodation, place, occupancy, habitation, inhabitation, tenancy, stay, dwelling, homestead, addressee, domicile, cottage, mews, sender, mailing, gambit, postal, postage, tenement, rhetorician, manor, doorway, duplex, neighborhood, hut, patio, edifice, headed and 1 more.

REPUBLIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REPUBLIC?

The synonyms and related words of “Republic” are: commonwealth, democracy, autonomous, monarchy, principality, parliamentary, govern, liberal, municipality, autonomy, democratic, kingdom, plutocracy, constitutional, suffrage, separatist, lawmaker, communism, ruler, socialism, fascist, nationalist, prefecture, liberty, regal, fascism, legislator, province, federal, totalitarianism, reformist

REPLICA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REPLICA?

The synonyms and related words of “Replica” are: replication, reproduction, copy, model, duplicate, perfect likeness, double, lookalike, living image, mirror image, image, picture, twin, clone, reproduce, imitation, emulate, replicate, imitate, mimetic, mimic, triplicate, sized, imitator, mimesis, facsimile, simulate, resemble, sample, reproducible, pseudo, microcosm, fax, emulation, pastiche, likeness, plagiarize, visualization, photocopy, plagiarism and 1 more.

RENDEZVOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RENDEZVOUS?

The synonyms and related words of “Rendezvous” are: tryst, meeting, appointment, engagement, assignation, meeting place, venue, place of assignation, meet, come together, get together, gather, assemble, romantic, affair, liaison, conjugal, secret, amour, involvement, connected, relationship, bigamist, love, philanderer, intimacy, connubial, tamper, amorous, meddle, closeness, scandal, diplomacy, loving, secular, contact, enchantingly, sentimentality, inward, mawkish and 2 more.

RELEGATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RELEGATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Relegate” are: classify, break, bump, demote, kick downstairs, pass on, submit, banish, bar, downgrade, lower, lower in rank, lower in status, put down, move down, defame, degrade, exile, abase, edict, reshuffle, belittle, denigrate, disparage, derogate, demean, detract, slander, disgrace, minimize, calumny, opprobrium, debase, decry, smirch, decrease, mortify, sully, excrescence, traduce

REINCARNATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REINCARNATION?

The synonyms and related words of “Reincarnation” are: rebirth, renascence, transmigration of the soul, metempsychosis, revive, revival, nirvana, soul, karma, resurrect, restoration, renewal, resuscitated, resurge, renaissance, resurgence, resuscitate, resuscitation, recreate, inanimate, reanimate, vim, paradise, recover, vivify, refresh, vitality, revitalize, ascension, heaven, rejuvenate, disbelieve

REFINEMENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REFINEMENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Refinement” are: purification, refining, cultivation, culture, finish, polish, elaboration, civilisation, civilization, nicety, nuance, shade, subtlety, clarification, cleansing, straining, sifting, filtering, filtration, rarefaction, distillation, concentration, processing, treatment, treating, improvement, perfection, polishing, honing, touching up, revision, editing, style, elegance, finesse, sophistication, urbanity, judgement, taste, discrimination and 24 more.