LICK: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LICK?

The synonyms and related words of “Lick” are: lap, lap up, figure out, puzzle out, solve, work, work out, bat, clobber, cream, drub, thrash, tongue, wet, moisten, wash, clean, flicker, play, flick, flit, dart, ripple, dance, overcome, get the better of, find an answer to, find a solution to, conquer, beat, quell, control, govern, master, curb, check, bridle, tame, defeat, best and 73 more.

LIBERATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LIBERATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Liberate” are: set free, free, loose, release, unloose, unloosen, emancipate, let out, let go, discharge, let loose, set loose, deliver, save, rescue, extricate, purloin, thieve, take, take for oneself, help oneself to, loot, pilfer, abscond with, run off with, appropriate, abstract, carry off, shoplift, manumit, emancipation, liberation, slave, separatist, unfettered, runaway, escape, dislodge, unencumbered, renewable and 15 more.

LEISURELY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LEISURELY?

The synonyms and related words of “Leisurely” are: easy, easygoing, unhurried, relaxed, unrushed, gentle, sedate, comfortable, restful, effortless, undemanding, slow, lazy, lackadaisical, languid, languorous, lingering, steadily, in one's own good time, carefree, slowly, plod, measured, casual, slack, trudge, idler, halcyon, untroubled, thoughtfully, intelligently, motion, happy-go-lucky, facile, slacken, andantino, mellow, gradually, drawl, laconic and 3 more.

LEECH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LEECH?

The synonyms and related words of “Leech” are: parasite, sponge, sponger, bloodsucker, hirudinean, clinger, barnacle, passenger, layabout, bleed, phlebotomise, phlebotomize, suck, parasitism, intestinal, protozoan, larva, symbiosis, sycophant, bacteria, toady, fawning, mutualism, damp, fungus, absorbent, wet, spicule, bowel, diarrhea, compressible, epithelial, thirsty, booze, imbibe, ciliated, bog, soaked, wean, receptive

LAG: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LAG?

The synonyms and related words of “Lag” are: gaol, immure, imprison, incarcerate, jail, jug, put away, put behind bars, remand, dawdle, fall back, fall behind, straggle, trail, trail behind, linger, dally, hang back, delay, move slowly, loiter, drag one's feet, take one's time, not keep pace, idle, dither, saunter, bring up the rear, interim, meantime, meanwhile, retardation, slowdown, stave, procrastinate, lingering, latency, behind, tarry, stay and 17 more.

LADEN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LADEN?

The synonyms and related words of “Laden” are: ladened, loaded, oppressed, burdened, overloaded, weighted, encumbered, lade, ladle, load, load up, cargo, burden, pallet, truck, van, tonnage, full, revolver, caliber, stiff, lading, expeditionary, transit, shipment, weight, onus, freight, filled, total, tight, disembark, unload, heavy, encumber, barge, mover, packed

KNIFE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for KNIFE?

The synonyms and related words of “Knife” are: tongue, cutting tool, blade, cutter, carver, stab, hack, gash, run through, slash, lacerate, cut, tear, gouge, pierce, spike, impale, transfix, bayonet, spear, skewer, wound, chop, sword, dagger, scabbard, lancet, scissor, scissors, axe, hammer, steak, trident, ax, pointed, hatchet, sharpen, whet, cleaver, poke and 7 more.

KINETIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for KINETIC?

The synonyms and related words of “Kinetic” are: energising, energizing, driving, impelling, propelling, propulsive, operative, moving, motor, dynamics, hydrodynamics, friction, momentum, movement, physics, kinematics, exercise, motility, mechanics, dynamic, fluid, aerodynamics, rapidly, spatiotemporal, vivacity, instigation, force, locomotion, drive, interplay, dialectical, andantino, auto, motion, crusade, metabolism, molecular, energy, resistance