LINEAR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LINEAR?

The synonyms and related words of “Linear” are: additive, one-dimensional, elongate, analog, analogue, running, unswerving, undeviating, direct, uncurving, unbending, rectilinear, isotherm, isothermal, straight, grid, orthogonal, directly, polygon, interlinear, linked, equation, diagonal, contour, line, rectangular, geometry, closely, lank, spindly, matrix, beeline, erect, square, layout, vertical, octagon, conformation, triangulate, hyperbola and 1 more.

LIGHTNING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LIGHTNING?

The synonyms and related words of “Lightning” are: quick, fast, swift, speedy, high-speed, expeditious, express, brisk, lively, prompt, flying, fleeting, meteoric, overnight, thunder, thunderbolt, storm, bolt, bang, crackle, strike, fabric, hammering, rain, rumble, unlocked, lotus, whizz, grumble, crossbar, substratum, flail, hail, roar, screw, horizontal, typhoon, rainfall, freon, tornado and 4 more.

LETHAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LETHAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Lethal” are: deadly, fatal, mortal, life-threatening, murderous, homicidal, killing, terminal, final, incurable, well aimed, precise, unerring, sure, true, careful, meticulous, painstaking, incapacitate, devastating, detrimental, calamitous, harm, disable, catastrophic, handicap, crushing, destructive, damage, irreparably, stifling, ruinous, poisoning, injurious, poison, dose, impairment, disservice, cataract, disastrous and 4 more.

LEAGUE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LEAGUE?

The synonyms and related words of “League” are: conference, alliance, confederation, confederacy, federation, union, association, coalition, combine, consortium, affiliation, guild, corporation, conglomerate, cooperative, partnership, fellowship, syndicate, compact, band, group, circle, ring, championship, competition, contest, class, category, ability group, level of ability, level, ally, join forces, join together, unite, form an association, band together, affiliate, amalgamate, form a federation and 22 more.

LATTER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LATTER?

The synonyms and related words of “Latter” are: later, hindmost, closing, concluding, final, latest, most recent, modern, second of the two, second, last, eventual, ultimate, utmost, culmination, climactic, finale, finishing, peroration, epilogue, windup, deciding, completion, finis, coda, quietus, demise, climax, expiry, destination, abrasive, garrote, conclusive, conclusion, remembrance, knell, consequent

JAGGED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for JAGGED?

The synonyms and related words of “Jagged” are: erose, jaggy, notched, toothed, scraggy, spiky, spiked, barbed, snaggy, pointed, ragged, craggy, rough, uneven, irregular, broken, serrate, serrated, rugged, sharply, patchy, hilly, bumpy, mountainous, asymmetric, unbalance, grating, jag, stony, approximative, gravelly, unfinished, asperity, wavy, inexact, imprecise, erratic, unkind, sketchy, lined and 2 more.

INTRUDER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INTRUDER?

The synonyms and related words of “Intruder” are: interloper, trespasser, invader, prowler, infiltrator, encroacher, violator, trespass, invade, encroach, visitor, infringe, intrusion, intrude, robber, usurpation, oppressor, violate, transgress, violation, encroachment, invasion, contravene, impinge, infringement, infraction, breach, crime, contravention, actionable, incursion, colonist, misdemeanor

INTROSPECTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INTROSPECTION?

The synonyms and related words of “Introspection” are: self-contemplation, self-examination, brooding, self-analysis, soul-searching, introversion, self-absorption, introverted, introspective, meditation, deep, shy, reserved, personality, serious, self, profundity, timid, enormity, hush, quiet, solemn, stillness, confessional, considerable, introvert, uncommunicative, substantial, brood, contemplation, chastity, abyss, buddhism, consideration, gravitas, passivity