COAX: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COAX?

The synonyms and related words of “Coax” are: blarney, cajole, inveigle, palaver, sweet-talk, wheedle, persuade, talk into something, get round, prevail on, beguile, flatter, seduce, lure, entice, tempt, woo, manoeuvre, coax cable, coaxial cable, persuadable, ingratiating, convince, ingratiate, attract, charm, allure, induce, inducement, captivate, glamorize, decoy, salesmanship, delusive, relent, suasion, enticing, seductive, fascinate, tempting and 2 more.

CIRCULATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CIRCULATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Circulate” are: distribute, pass around, pass on, broadcast, circularise, circularize, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, propagate, spread, go around, flow, course, move round, go round, socialize, mingle, spread about, spread around, communicate, transmit, make known, air, put about, be passed around, get around, go the rounds, revolve, cycle, rotate, whirl, intersperse, convolute, dissipate, convolve, scatter, effluence, spin, strew and 10 more.

CENSORSHIP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CENSORSHIP?

The synonyms and related words of “Censorship” are: censoring, security review, ban, strict, abstinent, legislation, enforcement, proscribe, austere, forbidden, veto, liability, disallow, interdiction, ascetic, prohibit, extraterritorial, dissuade, forbid, spartan, stringent, severity, martinet, rigour, stringency, adamant, taboo, prohibition, unbending, rigorous, exacting, formalism

BURY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BURY?

The synonyms and related words of “Bury” are: entomb, inhume, inter, lay to rest, sink, forget, eat up, immerse, swallow, swallow up, buried, consign to the grave, hide, conceal, cover, put out of sight, secrete, enfold, cover up, disguise, dissemble, mask, veil, absorb, engross, occupy, engage, busy, employ, distract, preoccupy, interest, involve, mausoleum, crypt, underneath, burial, beneath, sepulcher, cemetery and 19 more.

BREATHE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BREATHE?

The synonyms and related words of “Breathe” are: emit, pass off, catch one's breath, rest, take a breather, respire, suspire, take a breath, inhale and exhale, draw breath, be alive, be living, live, have life, continue in existence, blow softly, whisper, murmur, sigh, purr, say, give an impression of, suggest, indicate, be indicative of, have all the hallmarks of, stifler, nasal, exhalation, inhaler, airway, sniff, breath, asthma, inhale, nostril, choking, bronchus, cough, breathing and 15 more.

BOY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BOY?

The synonyms and related words of “Boy” are: son, male child, youngster, youth, lad, young man, young fellow, young person, teenager, adolescent, man, fellow, gentleman, attendant, retainer, frivolity, mischievous, flippancy, young, guy, laddie, frivolousness, naughty, flippant, childish, brat, boyish, rascal, pep, cub, father, daughter, rude, kid, impolite, bachelor, frivolous, macho, infantile, scion and 1 more.

BOW: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for BOW?

The synonyms and related words of “Bow” are: bowknot, bowing, obeisance, curtain call, arc, fore, prow, stem, loop, knot, longbow, crossbow, recurve, accede, defer, give in, submit, bend, crouch, stoop, bow down, goodbye, aloha, salutation, cudgel, hi, archery, bent, bye, greeting, adieu, archer, bending, sword, shield, lean, winding, fold, curve, ductile and 7 more.