ROUND: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ROUND?

The synonyms and related words of “Round” are: circular, orotund, pear-shaped, rotund, disc-shaped, plump, chubby, fat, stout, roly-poly, fattish, portly, dumpy, chunky, broad in the beam, overweight, heavy, paunchy, falstaffian, sonorous, resonant, rich, full, full-bodied, mellow, mellifluous, rounded, reverberant, complete, entire, whole, undivided, unbroken, candid, frank, direct, honest, truthful, straightforward, plain and 103 more.

REVERENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REVERENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Reverent” are: godly, worshipful, respectful, reverential, adoring, loving, admiring, devoted, devout, dutiful, awed, pious, homage, honor, fanatically, shrine, obey, dedicated, pilgrimage, saintly, deference, sacrament, veneration, obeisance, pharisaic, synagogue, religious, worship, respect, sanctimonious, proselyte, esteem, baptism, believing, theism, credo, martyrdom

REUNITE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REUNITE?

The synonyms and related words of “Reunite” are: reunify, reuniting, bringing (back) together (again), reunion, unite, synthesis, federate, ally, combination, join, meet, combine, conjoin, associate, integrate, union, mingle, connect, merge, confederacy, consolidate, annex, alliance, fusion, return, correlation, amalgamate, association, converge, coalescing, unify, integrated

RESURGENCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESURGENCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Resurgence” are: revitalisation, revitalization, revival, revivification, renewal, recovery, rally, upturn, comeback, resurrection, reappearance, rejuvenation, regeneration, rebirth, renaissance, resurge, resurface, renew, resurgent, restoration, revive, refresh, again, rejuvenate, restore, revitalize, regenerate, recover, vivify, replenish, renovate, reincarnation, resuscitate, reinstate, reestablish, reanimate, vim, reproduce, resurrect

RESPITE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RESPITE?

The synonyms and related words of “Respite” are: abatement, hiatus, reprieve, suspension, break, recess, time out, relief, rest, rest period, breathing space, interval, intermission, interlude, lull, pause, halt, stop, stoppage, cessation, discontinuation, standstill, postponement, deferment, delay, stay, stay of execution, remission, adjournment, moratorium, postpone, put off, defer, put back, hold off, hold over, carry over, reschedule, do later, shelve and 30 more.

REPAY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REPAY?

The synonyms and related words of “Repay” are: requite, give back, refund, return, come back, rejoin, retort, riposte, pay back, reward, reimburse, recompense, compensate, remunerate, square accounts with, settle up with, indemnify, pay off, reciprocate, be well worth, creditor, debtor, owe, reimbursement, restitution, wages, debt, payoff, insolvency, liquidation, compensation, remuneration, repayment, insolvent, loan, reparation, bankrupt, borrow, bankruptcy, overpayment and 4 more.

REMNANT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REMNANT?

The synonyms and related words of “Remnant” are: end, oddment, remainder, leftover, remains, leftovers, leavings, residue, rest, scrap, piece, bit, fragment, shred, offcut, vestigial, trace, wreckage, debris, balance, dregs, remaining, residual, impurity, other, rubble, scavenge, detritus, waste, riffraff, flotsam, left, survivor, dust, impartiality, fossil, unclaimed, neutrality, equity, vestige