DISCERNMENT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISCERNMENT?

The synonyms and related words of “Discernment” are: perceptiveness, discretion, appreciation, taste, judgement, judgment, sagaciousness, sagacity, apprehension, savvy, understanding, discrimination, refinement, cultivation, sophistication, enlightenment, sensitivity, subtlety, insight, circumspection, perceptive, consideration, percipient, prudence, discerning, wisdom, choice, perspicacity, sagacious, thoughtfulness, seeing, shortsightedness, rakish, sightless, hyperopia, considerateness, careful, intellect, vision, insightful and 3 more.

DISABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Disable” are: disenable, incapacitate, handicap, invalid, impair, damage, put out of action, make powerless, render powerless, weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, indispose, make unfit, deactivate, defuse, disarm, render inoperative, make ineffective, make harmless, disqualify, prevent, invalidate, declare incapable, rule out, preclude, debar, prohibit, disentitle, maim, cripple, ruin, mutilate, mangle, mar, hamstring, lame, disfigure, deface, maul and 17 more.

DIALECT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DIALECT?

The synonyms and related words of “Dialect” are: accent, idiom, local language, local tongue, local speech, local parlance, variety of language, argot, slang, parlance, cant, jargon, neology, glossary, terminology, lingo, patois, lexicon, neologism, vernacular, buzzword, nomenclature, colloquialism, etymology, dictionary, language, term, innuendo, pronunciation, euphemism, archaism, word, derivation, monosyllable, vocabulary

DEVOUT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEVOUT?

The synonyms and related words of “Devout” are: god-fearing, dear, earnest, heartfelt, pious, religious, devoted, dedicated, reverent, spiritual, prayerful, holy, godly, saintly, faithful, dutiful, righteous, churchgoing, orthodox, committed, loyal, staunch, genuine, firm, steadfast, resolute, unwavering, sincere, wholehearted, keen, enthusiastic, zealous, passionate, ardent, fervent, intense, vehement, active, sworn, pledged and 24 more.

DESTITUTE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DESTITUTE?

The synonyms and related words of “Destitute” are: impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, poverty-stricken, barren, devoid, free, innocent, penniless, poor, impecunious, down and out, bereft, deprived, in need, pauper, homeless, hunger, begging, penury, poverty, truant, pauperism, indigence, unemployed, mendicant, void, privation, nothing, disadvantaged, neediness, sympathy, underprivileged, shortage, beggar, famish, hardship, starve

DERIVATIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DERIVATIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Derivative” are: imitative, unoriginal, uninventive, unimaginative, uninspired, differential, differential coefficient, first derivative, derivative instrument, by-product, spin-off, offshoot, subsidiary product, descendant, verb, derivation, noun, participle, adjective, pronoun, prefix, vocabulary, word, suffix, inflect, predicate, infinitive, indicative, clause, alphabet, adverb, homograph, determiner, grammatical, phrase, capitalize, paragraph, suggestive, archaism, conjunction and 4 more.

DEPLETION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPLETION?

The synonyms and related words of “Depletion” are: exhaustion, using up, use, consumption, expending, expenditure, decrease, rundown, diminution, reduce, curtail, decline, subside, dwindle, depreciation, reduction, abate, lessen, diminished, shrinkage, diminish, down, retrench, downturn, decrement, downgrade, weaken, dilute, shrink, wane, wither, compressible, lower, palliate, minimize, wilt

DEFERENCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEFERENCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Deference” are: respect, respectfulness, complaisance, compliance, compliancy, obligingness, regard, esteem, homage, obeisance, reverence, admiration, obedience, veneration, admire, venerate, honor, worship, revere, appreciation, adoration, adored, admired, respectful, wonder, awe, glowing, obey, reverent, obedient, loyalty, fame, canonize, submission, laudatory