PROPHECY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PROPHECY?

The synonyms and related words of “Prophecy” are: prognostication, vaticination, divination, prediction, forecast, prognosis, augury, forecasting the future, fortune telling, second sight, clairvoyance, soothsaying, foretell, scriptural, forecasting, soothsayer, fulfillment, predict, recitation, forecaster, foreknowledge, horoscope, seer, astrology, bode, covenant, prognosticate, prefigure, prophesy, presage, foreshadow, forebode, prophet, aries, capricorn, aquarius, expect, sidereal

PROMPTLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PROMPTLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Promptly” are: pronto, readily, right away, quick, quickly, punctually, swiftly, rapidly, speedily, fast, as soon as possible, asap, expeditiously, instantaneous, instantly, immediately, pressing, prompt, now, presently, immediate, currently, overrun, instantaneously, swift, unplug, impromptu, speedy, extempore, rapid, improvise, impending, directly, contiguous, exigent, hurriedly

PRESUME: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PRESUME?

The synonyms and related words of “Presume” are: dare, make bold, assume, take for granted, suppose, dare say, imagine, take it, expect, believe, think, surmise, guess, judge, trust, conjecture, speculate, postulate, posit, hypothesize, deduce, divine, infer, conclude, presuppose, take as read, venture, have the temerity, have the audacity, have the effrontery, be so bold as, make so bold as, go so far as, take advantage of, take unfair advantage of, exploit, take liberties with, assumption, supposedly, presumably and 18 more.

PLACATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PLACATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Placate” are: appease, assuage, conciliate, gentle, gruntle, lenify, mollify, pacify, propitiate, calm down, soothe, humour, reconcile, disarm, win over, make peace with, quell, relieve, allay, mitigate, relent, quench, ease, palliate, extenuate, mollification, lull, alleviate, slake, slacken, soften, antispasmodic, calm, solace, remit, mitigation, succor, pacifier, aggravating

PIONEERING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PIONEERING?

The synonyms and related words of “Pioneering” are: unusual, irregular, unorthodox, unfamiliar, uncommon, uncustomary, unwonted, rare, out of the ordinary, atypical, singular, distinctive, individual, individualistic, alternative, different, colonist, settler, early, trailblazer, frontiersman, germinal, start, beginning, inchoative, initiate, launch, onset, outset, initial, stirring, commencement, inchoate, incipient, mount, embryonic, begin, commence, first, initiative and 6 more.

PERVERT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PERVERT?

The synonyms and related words of “Pervert” are: corrupt, debase, debauch, demoralise, demoralize, deprave, misdirect, profane, subvert, vitiate, abuse, misuse, convolute, sophisticate, twist, twist around, distort, warp, bend, divert, deflect, misapply, misrepresent, misinterpret, misconstrue, falsify, garble, lead astray, make degenerate, pollute, poison, contaminate, degenerate, deviant, deviate, debauchee, perverted person, misguide, perverse, aberrant and 18 more.

PARK: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PARK?

The synonyms and related words of “Park” are: parkland, common, commons, green, mungo park, ballpark, car park, parking area, parking lot, public garden, recreation ground, playground, play area, public park, grassland, woodland, garden, gardens, lawns, grounds, estate, meadow, pasture, paddock, pen, pastureland, sward, playing field, football field, field, stadium, amphitheatre, theatre, coliseum, leave, station, position, put, put down, place and 45 more.

PAID: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PAID?

The synonyms and related words of “Paid” are: nonrecreational, gainful, paying, wages, reward, remunerative, remuneration, earnings, meed, repay, lucrative, payoff, recompense, compensation, remunerate, profitable, requite, cash, pay, bonus, unpaid, alimony, premium, sinecure, benefit, payment, wage, refund, salary, perquisite, debt