DEVOUR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEVOUR?

The synonyms and related words of “Devour” are: guttle, pig, raven, consume, demolish, down, go through, eat hungrily, eat quickly, eat greedily, eat heartily, eat up, swallow, gobble, gobble down, gobble up, guzzle, guzzle down, gulp, gulp down, bolt, bolt down, cram down, gorge oneself on, wolf, wolf down, feast on, destroy, engulf, envelop, lay waste, wipe out, annihilate, devastate, peruse, study, scrutinize, look through, afflict, torture and 32 more.

DEVIOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEVIOUS?

The synonyms and related words of “Devious” are: oblique, circuitous, roundabout, shifty, underhand, underhanded, deceitful, dishonest, dishonourable, disreputable, unethical, unprincipled, immoral, unscrupulous, fraudulent, cheating, dubious, dirty, unfair, treacherous, duplicitous, double-dealing, janus-faced, two-timing, two-faced, unsporting, unsportsmanlike, indirect, meandering, winding, serpentine, tortuous, rambling, backhanded, cowardly, untrustworthy, shifting, rotary, unreliable, unsteady and 19 more.

DESCRIPTIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DESCRIPTIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Descriptive” are: illustrative, expressive, pictorial, depictive, graphic, picturesque, vivid, striking, elucidative, evaluative, interpretive, expository, revelatory, explain, notation, linguistic, define, elucidate, writing, definition, text, caret, interpret, annotation, statement, interpretation, clarify, depiction, signification, explicate, quote, comment, expound, instructions, expatiate, instruction, fact, narrative, depict, article and 2 more.

DEPARTURE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPARTURE?

The synonyms and related words of “Departure” are: deviation, difference, divergence, going, going away, leaving, exit, expiration, loss, passing, release, going off, leave-taking, withdrawal, egress, retreat, retirement, retiral, digression, shift, variation, change, change of direction, difference of emphasis, innovation, novelty, rarity, depart, start, bereavement, decamp, leave, abscond, follow, away, termination, absence, go, entrust, abandon and 11 more.

DECORATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DECORATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Decorate” are: adorn, beautify, deck, embellish, grace, dress, ornament, trim, garnish, furnish, accessorize, enhance, enrich, paint, wallpaper, paper, furbish, smarten up, give a medal to, pin a medal on, honour, confer an award on, beautification, adornment, elaborately, finery, jewel, gem, circlet, precious, beautifully, bedeck, earring, beaded, decoration, belle, lacing, decorative, bauble, sparkling and 7 more.

DAMNING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DAMNING?

The synonyms and related words of “Damning” are: damnatory, incriminating, condemnatory, condemning, reproachful, reproving, full of reproof, awfully, blamed, infernal, fool, curse, term, cursed, stygian, billingsgate, horrible, obscene, malediction, chthonic, diabolical, swearword, expletive, anathematize, imprecation, execration, anathema, underworld, tirade, jibe, indecent, terribly, blaspheme, word, absurdity, moron, terrible

COY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COY?

The synonyms and related words of “Coy” are: demure, overmodest, arch, simpering, coquettish, flirtatious, kittenish, skittish, reticent, taciturn, retiring, uncommunicative, bashful, withdrawn, shy, diffident, reserved, unassertive, introvert, silent, introverted, passive, prissy, timid, unutterable, cagey, quiet, restrained, eschew, inarticulate, timorous, prudish, introversion, passivity, prudery, limelight, fainthearted

COSTLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COSTLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Costly” are: dearly-won, dear, high-priced, pricey, pricy, expensive, overpriced, exorbitant, extortionate, immoderate, extravagant, catastrophic, ruinous, disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, devastating, crippling, crushing, fatal, lethal, damaging, harmful, injurious, deleterious, woeful, grievous, lamentable, dire, awful, terrible, unfortunate, trillion, billion, million, millionaire, times, billionaire, investor, financier and 21 more.

CONVEYS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONVEYS?

The synonyms and related words of “Conveys” are: carry, channel, conduct, impart, transmit, express, bring, take, fetch, get, communicate, transport, ferryboat, ferry, send, mail, conveyance, transfer, transportation, dock, recipient, carriage, pier, spam, relay, email, mailing, passenger, post, messenger, interact, embarkation, port, reassign, dispatch, ferryman, sender

CONVENTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONVENTION?

The synonyms and related words of “Convention” are: conventionalism, conventionality, formula, normal, pattern, rule, convening, custom, practice, habit, tradition, routine, rite, ritual, observance, ordinance, ceremony, ceremonial, usage, way, norm, agreement, accord, protocol, compact, pact, conference, meeting, congress, assembly, gathering, summit, council of delegates, council of representatives, symposium, forum, convocation, synod, conclave, diet and 29 more.