DIVERTING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DIVERTING?

The synonyms and related words of “Diverting” are: amusing, amusive, entertaining, fun, enjoyable, pleasurable, pleasing, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, appealing, beguiling, captivating, engaging, interesting, fascinating, intriguing, absorbing, riveting, compelling, humorous, funny, droll, exciting, exhilaration, laughable, jocose, hilarious, risible, repartee, ludicrous, jesting, laughing, witticism, jocular, witty, humor, comical, slapstick, badinage and 6 more.

DISTINGUISHES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISTINGUISHES?

The synonyms and related words of “Distinguishes” are: describe, discover, identify, key, key out, name, discern, make out, pick out, recognise, recognize, spot, tell apart, differentiate, secern, secernate, separate, severalise, severalize, tell, mark, signalise, signalize, classifiable, categorize, distinctive, segregate, compare, sort, sorting, contrast, feature, differential, assort, differentiated, gap, characterize, classify, distinction, differ and 9 more.

DEPRECIATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEPRECIATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Depreciate” are: devaluate, devalue, undervalue, deprecate, vilipend, decrease in value, lose value, decline in price, drop in price, fall in price, cheapen, reduce, lower in value, lower in price, mark down, cut, discount, belittle, disparage, denigrate, decry, make light of, treat lightly, discredit, underrate, underestimate, deflate, detract from, diminish, minimize, trivialize, run down, traduce, defame, degrade, devaluation, assess, decrease, currency, depreciation and 18 more.

DEMARCATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEMARCATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Demarcate” are: delimit, delimitate, separate, divide, mark, mark off, mark out, distinguish, differentiate, delineate, periphery, circumscribe, precinct, scope, confine, parameter, limit, extent, boundary, border, stint, normalcy, detain, restrict, restrain, scrimp, encircle, curb, continuum, insofar, finite, edge, geographic, rim, margin, restriction, range, minimum, flange

DELICACIES: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DELICACIES?

The synonyms and related words of “Delicacies” are: fragility, airiness, discretion, dainty, goody, kickshaw, treat, daintiness, fineness, slightness, diplomacy, discreetness, finesse, sensitivity, frailty, effeminacy, fragile, sensitization, femininity, weakness, delicate, brittle, breakable, feeble, vulnerable, ticklish, sensitize, sensitiveness, touchy, emaciation, softness, graceful, friable, weak, infirm, tender, weakly, caustic, particulate, infirmity and 1 more.