CREASE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CREASE?

The synonyms and related words of “Crease” are: crinkle, furrow, line, seam, wrinkle, bend, crimp, flexure, fold, plication, creese, kris, groove, ridge, ruck, pleat, tuck, corrugation, pucker, laughter line, crumple, rumple, graze, rake, crisp, ruckle, scrunch, scrunch up, ruck up, gather, press, iron, put a crease in, entertain, make laugh, delight, divert, gladden, cheer, cheer up and 28 more.

COQUETTISH: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COQUETTISH?

The synonyms and related words of “Coquettish” are: flirtatious, flirty, provocative, seductive, inviting, amorous, kittenish, coy, arch, teasing, playful, frisky, flighty, skittish, tempting, allure, charming, attractive, glamorous, attract, chic, seduce, appealing, enticing, winsome, alluring, aesthetically, glamorize, tempt, entrance, lure, fascinate, charm, engaging, enchant, spellbind, desirable, catchy, ingratiating, delusive and 2 more.

CONVERSANT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONVERSANT?

The synonyms and related words of “Conversant” are: familiar, familiar with, acquainted with, no stranger to, informed, intimate, fully, intimately, ambient, closely, intimacy, acquainted, prevailing, skillful, know, acquaintance, snug, close, familiarity, closeness, confidant, familiarly, connected, sociality, friendship, proficient, whole, entire, involvement, cozy, enlightened, advised, completely

CONSTITUTIONAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONSTITUTIONAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Constitutional” are: built-in, inbuilt, inherent, integral, constituent, constitutive, organic, legal, lawful, legitimate, licit, authorized, permissible, inbred, intrinsic, innate, structural, fundamental, essential, walk, stroll, saunter, turn, wander, amble, breather, airing, ramble, hike, enactment, jurisdiction, amendment, parliamentary, legitimately, monarchy, statutory, jurisprudence, statute, enabling, enact and 16 more.