INCAPABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INCAPABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Incapable” are: incompetent, unequal to, unable to, not capable of, lacking the ability to, not equipped to, lacking the experience to, not open to, not susceptible to, resistant to, impervious to, incapacitated, helpless, powerless, impotent, unable, ineffectual, incompetence, ineffective, unavailing, futile, inefficiency, unproductive, handicapped, unequal, defect, disabled, useless, ineptitude, weak, inept, wasteful, awkwardness, bootless, vain, fruitless, infertile, unskilled, feckless, carelessness and 3 more.

IMPLICIT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for IMPLICIT?

The synonyms and related words of “Implicit” are: inexplicit, unquestioning, implied, indirect, understood, deducible, inherent, latent, underlying, inbuilt, incorporated, intrinsic, inseparable, absolute, complete, entire, total, wholehearted, perfect, sheer, utter, tacit, virtual, parallelism, imply, include, silent, connote, symbol, illustrate, allude, unknowingly, entail, overtone, insinuate, hint, indicate, cyberspace, actuality, quiet and 11 more.

DEFINITE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEFINITE?

The synonyms and related words of “Definite” are: explicit, specific, express, precise, exact, defined, well defined, clear-cut, unmistakable, irrefutable, unequivocal, unambiguous, certain, undisputed, decided, marked, distinct, unquestioned, not in question, not in doubt, sure, positive, absolute, conclusive, decisive, firm, concrete, final, unquestionable, unarguable, clear, manifest, obvious, patent, proven, fixed, delimited, stipulated, particular, circumscribed and 22 more.

DEBUNK: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEBUNK?

The synonyms and related words of “Debunk” are: expose, explode, deflate, puncture, quash, knock the bottom out of, drive a coach and horses through, show in its true light, discredit, disprove, contradict, controvert, confute, invalidate, negate, give the lie to, prove to be false, challenge, call into question, verify, fallacy, vindicate, justify, substantiate, uncover, affirm, disclosed, expatiate, display, declare, assert, reveal, corroborate, unveil, confirm, aver, exhibit, shallowness, disclose, express and 7 more.

CRYSTAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CRYSTAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Crystal” are: lechatelierite, quartz, quartz glass, watch crystal, watch glass, crystallization, glassware, crystalware, calcite, jadeite, mineral, porphyry, icicle, amethyst, granite, crystallize, rhinestone, auriferous, jewelry, calcium, freeze, alabaster, silicon, limestone, glacier, phial, snowflake, snow, cement, refrigerant, marble, rock, frost, nephrite, solidify, refrigerate, cryogenic

CONTEND: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONTEND?

The synonyms and related words of “Contend” are: fight, struggle, argue, debate, fence, postulate, cope, deal, get by, grapple, make do, make out, manage, compete, vie, contest, repugn, cope with, face, grapple with, deal with, take on, pit oneself against, challenge, assert, maintain, hold, claim, profess, affirm, aver, avow, insist, state, declare, pronounce, allege, plead, rivalry, strive and 21 more.

COMMEMORATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COMMEMORATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Commemorate” are: mark, remember, immortalise, immortalize, memorialise, memorialize, keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain, continue, extend, carry on, keep up, cause to continue, prolong, celebrate, pay tribute to, pay homage to, honour, salute, toast, anniversary, celebration, memorial, tercentenary, plaque, triennial, statue, birthday, bicentennial, celebratory, ceremony, monument, sixteenth, yearly, centenary and 13 more.

CHAT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CHAT?

The synonyms and related words of “Chat” are: chaffer, chatter, chew the fat, chit-chat, chitchat, claver, confab, confabulate, gossip, jaw, natter, shoot the breeze, visit, talk, speak, converse, have a conversation, engage in conversation, tittle-tattle, prattle, jabber, babble, prate, go on, run on, old world chat, confabulation, schmoose, schmooze, conversation, heart-to-heart, tête-à-tête, blether, blather, glib, lengthiness, dialogue, wordy, loquacity, loquacious and 20 more.