REVAMP: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REVAMP?

The synonyms and related words of “Revamp” are: vamp, renovate, redecorate, refurbish, recondition, rehabilitate, rebuild, reconstruct, overhaul, make over, reorganization, rearrangement, change, reshuffle, redistribution, makeover, revise, disabuse, reschedule, emend, rectify, adjustment, amend, mend, revisal, mistaken, heal, modify, reform, factually, repair, relevant, remedy, justness, righteous, fix, fixture, redress, hunch, refit and 5 more.

RETENTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RETENTION?

The synonyms and related words of “Retention” are: memory, retentiveness, retentivity, holding, keeping, ability to remember, powers of recall, recall, powers of retention, mind, retentive, have, keep, stock, owner, own, mindful, possessor, belongings, landholder, chattel, landed, storage, aware, storehouse, loot, landlady, vested, possession, fallibility, maintain, recollection, forfeiture, property, remembrance, proprietorship, reminiscence, nostalgic

REFLECTIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REFLECTIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Reflective” are: brooding, broody, contemplative, meditative, musing, pensive, pondering, ruminative, regretful, nostalgic, yearning, longing, lustrous, thoughtful, iridescence, considerate, muse, ponder, ruminate, deliberate, wistful, opalescence, sleek, contemplate, glossy, glistening, bethink, shiny, preoccupied, consider, brood, polished, meditate, mull, gentle, cogitate, reflect, premeditation, careful

REAFFIRM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for REAFFIRM?

The synonyms and related words of “Reaffirm” are: affirm, assert, reassert, give an assurance, assure someone, repeat, say again, state again, pledge, promise, guarantee, review, examination, inspection, encyclical, reexamine, confirm, poll, check, survey, substantiation, polygraph, verification, reexamination, commitment, verify, loyalty, breathalyzer, inquiry, demographic, analyst, prove, confirmation, probe, proctor, admonitory, statistic, monitor, scrutiny, substantiate and 1 more.

PREDICTABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PREDICTABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Predictable” are: foreseeable, only to be expected, expected, characteristic, in character, in keeping, usual, normal, controllable, stable, future, forecast, soothsayer, aspiring, permanence, permanency, prognosis, forecaster, clairvoyance, expectation, foresight, forebode, prefigure, manageable, foreshadow, visionary, supposition, prophecy, divination, anticipate, anticipation, hereafter, prognosticate, foresee, foretell, presuppose, prophesy

PERTAIN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PERTAIN?

The synonyms and related words of “Pertain” are: bear on, come to, concern, have to do with, refer, relate, touch, touch on, appertain, relate to, be related to, be connected with, be relevant to, have relevance to, apply to, be pertinent to, have reference to, refer to, have a bearing on, appertain to, affect, involve, cover, belong to, be a part of, be an adjunct of, go along with, be included in, exist, be the order of the day, obtain, be in effect, be the case, be prevalent, prevail, be current, be established, included, correlate, entangle and 21 more.

PERMEATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PERMEATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Permeate” are: diffuse, imbue, interpenetrate, penetrate, pervade, riddle, filter, percolate, sink in, spread through, fill, filter through, diffuse through, pass through, percolate through, perfuse, extend throughout, be disseminated through, flow through, charge, suffuse, run through, steep, impregnate, inform, infiltrate, soak through, seep through, saturate, leach through, seep, leach, spread, diffusion, perforate, pierce, piercing, omnipresent, growing, disseminate and 13 more.