GENRE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GENRE?

The synonyms and related words of “Genre” are: writing style, music genre, musical genre, musical style, category, class, classification, categorization, group, grouping, bracket, head, heading, list, listing, set, bolero, polka, mazurka, medley, rhythm, dancing, quadrille, dance, ballroom, choreography, jig, choreograph, kachina, eurhythmics, disco, techno, suspense, ballet, album, music, song, melody, lied, dancer and 6 more.

GAUGE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GAUGE?

The synonyms and related words of “Gauge” are: gage, standard of measurement, bore, caliber, calibre, measuring instrument, measuring device, meter, measure, indicator, barometer, basis, standard, point of reference, guide, guideline, touchstone, yardstick, benchmark, criterion, example, model, pattern, formula, exemplar, sample, test, litmus test, size, extent, degree, scope, capacity, magnitude, diameter, approximate, estimate, guess, judge, compute and 33 more.

FLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Fly” are: fell, vanish, vaporize, wing, flee, take flight, aviate, pilot, travel through the air, wing its way, glide, soar, wheel, go by air, travel by air, go by plane, travel by plane, jet, operate, control, manoeuvre, steer, guide, direct, navigate, transport by air, transport by plane, airlift, lift, flutter, flap, wave, blow, waft, float, stream, display, show, exhibit, race and 84 more.

FLABBERGASTED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FLABBERGASTED?

The synonyms and related words of “Flabbergasted” are: dumbfounded, dumbstricken, dumbstruck, dumfounded, stupefied, thunderstruck, amaze, astonish, astounding, surprised, staggering, redoubtable, puzzled, surprise, astonishing, astonished, incredible, wondering, shock, amazed, stupefy, startle, awesome, shattered, astound, shocking, serendipity, marvelous, shocked, daze, surprising, astounded, wonderful, prodigious, stun, unexpectedly

FACING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FACING?

The synonyms and related words of “Facing” are: cladding, veneer, lining, covering, trimming, interfacing, reinforcement, backing, skin, surface, facade, front, fronting, false front, coating, dressing, overlay, revetment, paving, lamination, inlay, plating, opposing, exterior, obverse, outside, outer, canvas, plywood, appearance, unprepossessing, external, outward, ostensible, outermost, peripheral, externalize, outwardly, aboveground, outdoor and 10 more.

EXCLAIM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXCLAIM?

The synonyms and related words of “Exclaim” are: call out, cry, cry out, outcry, shout, proclaim, promulgate, declare, come out with, burst out with, blurt out, utter suddenly, wow, yeah, scream, oh, amazingly, holler, gorgeous, hi, yell, herald, profess, pronouncement, declamation, clamor, manifesto, declaration, predicate, yes, announce, astonishment, bellow, caller, say, hello, decree

DISSOLVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISSOLVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Dissolve” are: fade away, fade out, break up, resolve, dethaw, melt, thaw, unfreeze, unthaw, dismiss, disband, go into solution, become a solution, break down, disappear, vanish, melt away, evaporate, disperse, dissipate, disintegrate, burst into, break into, collapse into, break down into, disestablish, split up, separate, scatter, go their separate ways, go in different directions, disjoin, annul, nullify, void, dismember, soluble, mangle, crumble, decompose and 21 more.

DISINGENUOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DISINGENUOUS?

The synonyms and related words of “Disingenuous” are: artful, dishonest, deceitful, underhand, underhanded, duplicitous, double-dealing, two-faced, insincere, false, lying, untruthful, mendacious, distorted, exaggerated, twisted, warped, hypocritical, untrue, smarmy, deformed, morbid, obsequious, feigned, specious, worm, wind, meretricious, fawning, crooked, immoderate, manipulate, wrest, bombastic, garble, untrustworthy, changed, extremely, overly, flattery

DEVISE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEVISE?

The synonyms and related words of “Devise” are: contrive, excogitate, forge, formulate, invent, get up, machinate, organise, organize, prepare, conceive, think up, come up with, dream up, draw up, work out, form, concoct, design, frame, coin, originate, compose, construct, fabricate, create, produce, put together, make up, develop, evolve, leave, leave in one's will, will, make over, pass on, hand on, hand down, cede, consign and 28 more.