QUALIFY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for QUALIFY?

The synonyms and related words of “Qualify” are: dispose, condition, specify, stipulate, measure up, characterise, characterize, modify, be eligible, meet the requirements, count, be counted, be considered, be designated, be characterizable, certificated, licensed, gain qualifications, gain certification, be certified, be licensed, be authorized, authorize, allow, permit, license, empower, fit, equip, prepare, arm, make ready, train, upskill, educate, coach, teach, bounded, guarded, limit and 30 more.

PSYCHIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PSYCHIC?

The synonyms and related words of “Psychic” are: psychical, supernatural, paranormal, supernormal, preternatural, metaphysical, extrasensory, transcendental, magic, magical, mystical, mystic, occult, clairvoyant, telepathic, spiritualistic, with second sight, with a sixth sense, inner, psychological, emotional, spiritual, fortune teller, prophet, seer, soothsayer, forecaster of the future, crystal gazer, astrologer, prognosticator, prophesier, oracle, augur, sibyl, cassandra, mind reader, palmist, palm reader, chiromancer, medium and 28 more.

PRO: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PRO?

The synonyms and related words of “Pro” are: professional, professional player, expert, master, maestro, past master, trooper, adept, virtuoso, old hand, authority, in favour, approving, on the side of, prefer, advantage, upside, moll, like, plus, excellent, benefit, sideways, perquisite, privilege, favorite, best, prerogative, positive, predilection, worthwhile, tout, better, indulging, backwards, behalf, downside, superb, preeminence, unmatched and 4 more.

POSSESSED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for POSSESSED?

The synonyms and related words of “Possessed” are: obsessed, demoniac, demoniacal, own, belong, acquirement, fetch, have, picking, take, broach, grab, receptiveness, receive, procure, resignedly, possession, supplant, addressee, secure, select, retention, clutch, bring, dispossess, get, unavailable, ability, accept, proprietorship, acceptance, sequestrate, acquire

PAUSE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PAUSE?

The synonyms and related words of “Pause” are: hesitate, break, intermit, stop, cease, halt, discontinue, break off, take a break, take a breath, intermission, interruption, suspension, cessation, stoppage, standstill, check, lull, respite, stay, breathing space, discontinuation, discontinuance, hiatus, gap, lapse, lapse of time, interlude, interval, entr'acte, deadlock, impasse, halting, stalemate, abeyance, stasis, stanch, desist, predicament, momentarily and 8 more.

ONCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ONCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Once” are: in one case, erst, erstwhile, formerly, ever, under any circumstances, in a million years, previously, in the past, once upon a time, in days gone by, in times gone by, back in the day, in times past, in the old days, in the good old days, long ago, twice, doubly, redouble, doubled, twofold, times, multiple, trinity, single, double, only, bout, repetition, one, triple, biannual, dual, multiplication, secondarily, second, consecutively, ten, colonnade and 7 more.

NUMB: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NUMB?

The synonyms and related words of “Numb” are: dead, asleep, benumbed, deprived of sensation, numbed, deadened, desensitized, insensible, insensate, senseless, unfeeling, benumb, blunt, dull, deadening, bitter, deaden, deprive of sensation, desensitize, render insensitive, insensitive, anesthetic, bored, freezing, unconscious, callous, callosity, indifference, crass, obtuse, indifferent, witless, benighted, ennui, undiscerning, moron, silly, folly, monotony, icy and 5 more.