NOTABLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NOTABLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Notably” are: remarkably, unco, unusually, in particular, particularly, especially, specially, primarily, principally, above all, strikingly, impressively, very, extremely, exceptionally, singularly, peculiarly, distinctly, significantly, extraordinarily, uncommonly, uniquely, outstandingly, amazingly, incredibly, awfully, terribly, really, markedly, decidedly, surprisingly, conspicuously, spectacularly, signally, noticeably, clearly, plainly, specifically, especial, insofar and 22 more.

NATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NATION?

The synonyms and related words of “Nation” are: body politic, commonwealth, country, land, res publica, state, carry amelia moore nation, carry nation, sovereign state, nation state, kingdom, empire, republic, confederation, federation, power, superpower, polity, domain, ethnic group, ethnic minority, tribe, clan, race, consul, embassy, diplomat, patrician, statesman, principality, diplomatic, govern, ambassador, patriot, regency, jingoism, foreign, regal, lord, imperial and 12 more.

MIRACLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MIRACLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Miracle” are: supernatural phenomenon, mystery, prodigy, sign, wonder, marvel, sensation, phenomenon, resurrection, cure, worker, disbelieve, elixir, magic, potion, supernatural, economic, resuscitated, ascension, paradise, panacea, immortality, sorcery, heaven, revival, riddle, mystic, enigma, occult, conundrum, arcane, preternatural, solve, idle, healing, cryptogram, puzzle

MENTALITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MENTALITY?

The synonyms and related words of “Mentality” are: mind-set, mindset, outlook, brain, brainpower, learning ability, wit, way of thinking, cast of mind, frame of mind, turn of mind, way someone's mind works, mind, mind set, psychology, intellect, intellectual capabilities, intelligence, intelligence quotient, iq, brains, comprehension, understanding, wits, reasoning, rationality, powers of reasoning, wisdom, sense, perception, imagination, defeatist, concept, thinking, prospect, perspective, attitude, intellectually, visually, objectively and 17 more.

LINGER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LINGER?

The synonyms and related words of “Linger” are: dawdle, hover, footle, hang around, lallygag, loaf, loiter, lollygag, lounge, lurk, mess about, mill about, mill around, tarry, wait around, stay, remain, stay put, wait, persist, continue, lag, procrastinate, sojourn, levitate, lingering, latency, slowdown, delay, behind, dally, pitchy, onwards, time, retardation, residual, postpone, glitch, existing, persevere and 2 more.

LIBERAL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LIBERAL?

The synonyms and related words of “Liberal” are: big, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, freehanded, giving, handsome, openhanded, broad, large-minded, tolerant, free, loose, unprejudiced, unbigoted, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened, forbearing, progressive, advanced, modern, forward-looking, reformist, radical, abundant, copious, ample, plentiful, generous, lavish, luxuriant, profuse, considerable, prolific, rich, magnanimous, unsparing, unstinting, ungrudging and 42 more.

LEAN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LEAN?

The synonyms and related words of “Lean” are: be given, incline, run, tend, list, angle, slant, tilt, tip, bend, be at an angle, slope, bank, heel, careen, cant, bias, veer, sway, rest, be propped up, recline, be supported, thin, skimpy, inclination, leaning, banister, bending, staircase, stoop, wizened, obliquity, corner, gangling, elevator, escalator, recumbent, bow, landing and 11 more.

LAWS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for LAWS?

The synonyms and related words of “Laws” are: pentateuch, torah, trial, legal, court, malpractice, jurisdiction, judicial, litigation, wanted, plaintiff, proceeding, courtroom, lawyer, client, enactment, penalty, indict, probate, liability, legitimately, constitutional, docket, attorney, tort, illegal, valid, lawsuit, verdict, crime, felony, killing

JUDGED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for JUDGED?

The synonyms and related words of “Judged” are: assessor, arbiter, umpire, court, referee, estimation, tribunal, adjudge, suspicion, magistracy, chancery, jury, courtroom, magistrate, unbiased, acquit, appellate, lawful, evaluator, mistrial, supervisor, legality, lawgiver, critically, evaluate, justice, judgement, sheriff, eyewitness, judicial