SCHOLAR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SCHOLAR?

The synonyms and related words of “Scholar” are: assimilator, learner, bookman, student, academic, intellectual, professor, man of letters, woman of letters, mind, intellect, savant, polymath, highbrow, bluestocking, thinker, sage, pupil, schoolchild, schoolboy, schoolgirl, mathematician, logician, philosopher, statistician, taxonomy, sociologist, historian, sophistry, sophism, economist, academician, sophist, syllogistic, study, physicist, geometer, dialectician, researcher, philosophy and 10 more.

SAVIOR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SAVIOR?

The synonyms and related words of “Savior” are: christ, deliverer, good shepherd, jesus, jesus christ, jesus of nazareth, redeemer, saviour, the nazarene, rescuer, preserver, revere, guardian, preserve, angel, deity, christian, offertory, heaven, idolatrous, archangel, parent, conservancy, worship, religion, christendom, church, god, blessed, christianity, hallowed, archbishop, defend, catholicity, orison, canonize, tutelary, rector, protector

RAINBOW: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for RAINBOW?

The synonyms and related words of “Rainbow” are: brilliant, glowing, radiant, rich, shimmer, mirage, aurora, sky, spectrum, iridescent, colorful, blue, celestial, cosmic, brighten, shine, lighten, glow, illuminate, light, daylight, brilliantly, azure, firmament, meteor, welkin, chandelier, polish, stratosphere, bright, glimmer, weather, polychrome, overcast

PREVAIL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PREVAIL?

The synonyms and related words of “Prevail” are: triumph, hold, obtain, dominate, predominate, reign, rule, die hard, endure, persist, run, win, win out, win through, be victorious, be the victor, gain the victory, carry the day, carry all before one, finish first, come out ahead, come out on top, succeed, prove superior, conquer, overcome, achieve mastery, gain mastery, gain ascendancy, exist, be in existence, be present, be the case, occur, be prevalent, be current, be rife, be rampant, be the order of the day, be customary and 52 more.

PLIGHT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PLIGHT?

The synonyms and related words of “Plight” are: predicament, quandary, troth, mess, difficulty, issue, trouble, muddle, mare's nest, crisis, affiance, betroth, engage, pledge, dilemma, hardship, stalemate, unaccustomed, suffering, problematic, agonize, puzzled, adversity, problem, impasse, perturb, nuisance, inconvenience, tangled, complication, distress, deadlock, needy, upset, disquiet, annoy, hassle, befall, ail, challenge

PHASE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PHASE?

The synonyms and related words of “Phase” are: phase angle, stage, form, period, chapter, episode, part, step, point, time, juncture, spell, aspect, shape, appearance, state, condition, inception, tread, stride, pace, progression, level, commencement, incipient, procedure, climacteric, doorstep, systematize, pas, retrace, systematically, paleolithic, neolithic, flowering, pentavalent, processing, grade, proceed, progress and 4 more.

OUTSIDER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OUTSIDER?

The synonyms and related words of “Outsider” are: foreigner, stranger, visitor, outcast, pariah, lonely, misunderstood, nerd, expatriate, controversial, underdog, isolated, westerner, alien, geek, bespectacled, deportation, forlorn, naturalize, secluded, deserted, traveler, recluse, deport, remote, solitary, troglodyte, lone, unrewarding, unappreciated, population