HAPPILY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for HAPPILY?

The synonyms and related words of “Happily” are: blithely, gayly, jubilantly, merrily, mirthfully, contentedly, joyfully, gaily, cheerfully, cheerily, agreeably, light-heartedly, gleefully, blissfully, willingly, gladly, readily, freely, ungrudgingly, unhesitatingly, with all one's heart and soul, fortunately, luckily, thankfully, mercifully, providentially, by chance, by good luck, by good fortune, as luck would have it, greet, married, smile, fain, inclined, voluntary, willing, nice, glad, appreciatively and 14 more.

GLARE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GLARE?

The synonyms and related words of “Glare” are: glower, stare angrily, scowl, look daggers, frown, lour, give someone a black look, look menacingly, look threateningly, blaze, be dazzling, be blinding, shine brightly, flare, flame, beam, limelight, public eye, spotlight, brilliance, black look, dazzle, shine, public attention, public interest, public notice, media attention, media interest, exposure, fuss, commotion, stare, gawk, flash, yawn, lurid, gaze, illuminate, illumine, ogle and 12 more.

FAR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FAR?

The synonyms and related words of “Far” are: a long way, a good way, afar, up to a point, to some extent, within reason, within limits, much, very much, considerably, markedly, immeasurably, decidedly, greatly, significantly, substantially, appreciably, noticeably, materially, signally, distant, faraway, far off, further, more distant, alir, army for the liberation of rwanda, former armed forces, interahamwe, remote, forth, apart, outpost, away, solitary, galaxy, outlying, inaccessible, yon, secluded and 16 more.

EXTENSION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXTENSION?

The synonyms and related words of “Extension” are: denotation, reference, annex, annexe, wing, lengthiness, prolongation, elongation, propagation, extension phone, telephone extension, extension service, university extension, file name extension, filename extension, addition, add-on, adjunct, addendum, augmentation, supplement, appendage, appendix, expansion, increase, enlargement, development, progress, advance, advancement, headway, improvement, furtherance, spread, buildout, escalation, lengthening, protraction, continuation, perpetuation and 26 more.

EMULATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EMULATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Emulate” are: imitate, copy, reproduce, mimic, mirror, echo, follow, model oneself on, take as a model, take as an example, ape, simulate, parrot, replicate, duplicate, mimetic, triplicate, replica, facsimile, resemble, imitator, imitation, replication, mimesis, fax, likeness, iterate, pantomime, pastiche, reproducible, mime, photocopy, sample, plagiarize, dissemble, microcosm

DYING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DYING?

The synonyms and related words of “Dying” are: anxious, terminally ill, in the jaws of death, near death, passing away, moribund, breathing one's last, not long for this world, final, last, declining, passing, waning, death, demise, inter, decease, suffocation, suffocate, strangle, euthanasia, end, quietus, finis, expiry, perish, peroration, garrote, intestate, intestacy, rip, remembrance, knell, holocaust, completion, valedictory, valediction, casualty, sepulchral, sacrificial

DIFFERING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DIFFERING?

The synonyms and related words of “Differing” are: inconsistent, discrepant, inharmonious, incompatible, unlike, incongruous, discord, differential, opposition, irony, erratic, contradiction, disagree, conflicting, contradictory, contrast, disagreement, different, dissonant, distinction, convert, variance, diametrical, factious, inhospitable, differentiation, difference, gap, discordant, contrastingly

CONTENTIOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONTENTIOUS?

The synonyms and related words of “Contentious” are: combative, disputatious, disputative, litigious, controversial, disputable, debatable, disputed, open to debate, open to question, moot, vexed, heated, vehement, fierce, violent, intense, impassioned, committed, argumentative, quarrelsome, confrontational, captious, factious, pugnacious, ready for a fight, defiant, hostile, antagonistic, bellicose, belligerent, militant, warring, fighting, rivalry, wrangling, wrangle, polemical, contention, controversy and 12 more.