TENDER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TENDER?

The synonyms and related words of “Tender” are: untoughened, raw, sensitive, sore, affectionate, fond, lovesome, crank, cranky, tippy, caring, kind, kindly, kind-hearted, compassionate, sympathetic, warm, feeling, fatherly, motherly, maternal, gentle, mild, benevolent, generous, giving, humane, loving, emotional, soft, romantic, sentimental, emotive, touching, moving, poignant, evocative, not tough, chewable, edible and 49 more.

SOLDIER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SOLDIER?

The synonyms and related words of “Soldier” are: fighter, serviceman, servicewoman, fighting man, fighting woman, comrade-in-arms, warrior, trooper, private soldier, common soldier, persevere, persist, carry on doggedly, keep on, keep going, not give up, struggle on, hammer away, be persistent, be determined, follow something through, see something through, keep at it, show determination, press ahead, press on, stay with something, not take no for an answer, be tenacious, be pertinacious, stand one's ground, stand fast, stand firm, hold on, hold out, go the distance, stay the course, plod on, plough on, grind away and 29 more.

INSTINCT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INSTINCT?

The synonyms and related words of “Instinct” are: urge, appetite, desire, need, natural tendency, inclination, drive, compulsion, talent, gift, ability, capacity, facility, faculty, aptitude, skill, flair, feel, genius, knack, bent, replete, paternal, visceral, parental, maternal, inherent, innate, congenital, intuition, inherence, inborn, intrinsic, antenatal, born, pregnancy, paternity, matriarch, natal, uncle and 12 more.

INTERSECTION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INTERSECTION?

The synonyms and related words of “Intersection” are: cartesian product, product, carrefour, crossing, crossroad, crossway, intersection point, point of intersection, convergence, overlap, road junction, junction, interchange, crossroads, avenue, delineation, boulevard, roadway, pedestrian, crosswalk, crisscross, intersect, street, pavement, lineation, road, partially, cross, busy, crossover, walker, fordable, lane, route, drawbridge, superimpose, convergent, jaywalk, cable, sidewalk

TEASING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TEASING?

The synonyms and related words of “Teasing” are: mocking, quizzical, annoying, bothersome, galling, irritating, nettlesome, pesky, pestering, pestiferous, plaguey, plaguy, vexatious, vexing, ribbing, tantalization, tease, comb-out, persiflage, mockery, banter, derisive, irritate, mock, jeer, derision, parody, insult, scoff, travesty, disrespectful, ridicule, nuisance, hoot, spoof, charade, bug, playfully, pester, heckle

AGONY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AGONY?

The synonyms and related words of “Agony” are: torment, torture, excruciation, suffering, pain, hurt, anguish, affliction, trauma, dolor, misery, distress, relentlessly, sadness, dun, heaviness, persecute, grimace, wretchedness, distortion, annoyed, woe, throb, cruelly, rag, mistreat, agonize, headache, harassment, harass, toothache, inflict, hypochondriac

WARN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for WARN?

The synonyms and related words of “Warn” are: admonish, discourage, monish, notify, alert, apprise, give notice, inform, tell, let someone know, make someone aware, give a warning to, give fair warning to, forewarn, put someone on guard, put someone on notice, remind, advise, exhort, urge, counsel, caution, beware, danger, repeatedly, cautious, censorious, expostulation, hazard, warning, sternly, message, discreet, expostulate, harangue, carefulness, wary, scolding, incrimination, rebuke and 9 more.

GRAVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for GRAVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Grave” are: grave accent, tomb, sepulchre, vault, burial chamber, burial pit, mausoleum, crypt, catacomb, grievous, heavy, weighty, sedate, sober, solemn, dangerous, life-threatening, serious, severe, engrave, inscribe, scratch, sculpt, sculpture, bury, sepulcher, burial, necropolis, entomb, inhume, quietus, dire, inter, coffin, cemetery, mummification, pharaoh, sarcophagus, gravestone, conceal and 8 more.