INTERVIEW: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INTERVIEW?

The synonyms and related words of “Interview” are: audience, consultation, meeting, discussion, conference, question and answer session, examination, evaluation, interrogation, question, talk to, have a discussion with, have a dialogue with, hold a meeting with, confer with, apply, employ, applicant, answerable, theoretically, implement, smear, clientele, exam, solve, enigma, ask, staff, requisition, inquire, query, inquiry, admission, utilize, interrogatory, why, interrogative, interrogate, nosy, workaholic and 1 more.

EPIDEMIC: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EPIDEMIC?

The synonyms and related words of “Epidemic” are: outbreak, plague, scourge, infestation, spate, rash, wave, explosion, eruption, outburst, flare-up, craze, rife, rampant, widespread, wide-ranging, extensive, sweeping, penetrating, malaria, cholera, infection, smallpox, measles, pestilence, typhoid, hookworm, typhus, canker, infect, infectious, diphtheria, transmission, epizootic, disease, vaccine, transmissible, pandemic, virus, contagious and 7 more.

DEFEND: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEFEND?

The synonyms and related words of “Defend” are: fend for, support, maintain, guard, hold, represent, champion, fight, fight back, fight down, oppose, protect, safeguard, keep from harm, preserve, secure, shield, shelter, screen, justify, vindicate, argue for, speak for, speak on behalf of, speak in support of, give an apologia for, make a case for, plead for, make excuses for, excuse, exonerate, palliate, back, stand by, stick up for, stand up for, endorse, uphold, come to the defence of, sustain and 28 more.

UNIFORM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for UNIFORM?

The synonyms and related words of “Uniform” are: unvarying, consistent, undifferentiated, constant, steady, invariable, unfluctuating, unvaried, unchanging, unwavering, undeviating, stable, static, sustained, regular, fixed, even, equal, equable, monotonous, identical, matching, similar, alike, the same, indistinguishable, twin, homogeneous, cut from the same cloth, costume, livery, regalia, habit, suit, dress, garb, attire, ensemble, outfit, clad and 26 more.

SECURITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SECURITY?

The synonyms and related words of “Security” are: protection, certificate, security measure, security system, security department, surety, security measures, defence, guard, shelter, screen, buffer, preventive, precaution, prophylactic, provision, safety measure, cover, insurance, indemnity, safety, freedom from danger, safety measures, safeguards, feeling of safety, feeling of ease, absence of anxiety, absence of worry, peace of mind, freedom from doubt, certainty, happiness, comfort, confidence, guarantee, collateral, pledge, bond, investments, shares and 31 more.

CONNOTATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONNOTATION?

The synonyms and related words of “Connotation” are: intension, overtone, undertone, undercurrent, implication, secondary meaning, nuance, flavour, feeling, aura, atmosphere, colouring, smack, hint, vein, echo, association, intimation, suggestion, suspicion, insinuation, meaning, understanding, construal, reading, explanation, inference, conclusion, supposition, denotation, entail, indication, symbol, bookmark, indicant, include, manifestation, cue, clue, symptom and 18 more.

AMBIGUITY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AMBIGUITY?

The synonyms and related words of “Ambiguity” are: equivocalness, ambivalence, equivocation, imprecision, euphemism, unclear, circumlocution, circumlocutory, inconsistency, vaguely, ambivalent, vague, indeterminate, uncertainty, noncommittal, equivocal, ambiguously, evasive, doubtful, uncertain, imprecise, undifferentiated, ambiguous, nebulous, illegibility, equivocate, contradiction, inexact, blurred, indistinct, indefinite, innuendo, undecided

DEMISE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEMISE?

The synonyms and related words of “Demise” are: death, dying, passing, passing away, passing on, loss of life, expiry, expiration, end, departure from life, final exit, disintegration, fall, downfall, ruin, transfer, transference, transferral, granting, ceding, devolution, give the right of, give the title of, grant, cede, devolve, lease, decease, moribund, perish, rip, intestate, intestacy, finis, quietus, last, mortuary, mortality, suffocation, final and 14 more.