FASCINATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FASCINATION?

The synonyms and related words of “Fascination” are: captivation, enchantment, enthrallment, interest, preoccupation, passion, obsession, compulsion, charming, revulsion, attractive, obsessive, bewitchment, enchanting, adorable, alluring, personable, glamorize, enticing, appealing, tempting, cute, winsome, entrancing, engaging, inviting, enthralling, seductive, intriguing, aesthetically, charm, beautifully, stunning, gorgeous, dote, comely, photogenic

OBNOXIOUS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for OBNOXIOUS?

The synonyms and related words of “Obnoxious” are: objectionable, disagreeable, irksome, troublesome, annoying, irritating, vexatious, displeasing, uncomfortable, distressing, nasty, horrible, appalling, terrible, awful, dreadful, hateful, detestable, miserable, abominable, execrable, odious, invidious, offensive, repugnant, repulsive, repellent, revolting, disgusting, distasteful, nauseating, unsavoury, unpalatable, ugly, vexing, pesky, bothersome, irritation, teasing, galling and 16 more.

AGREED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for AGREED?

The synonyms and related words of “Agreed” are: in agreement, settled, established, resolved, determined, worked out, concluded, clinched, designated, allotted, chosen, ordained, prescribed, decreed, admissible, permissible, ok, approval, approve, agree, allowable, approbation, unanimously, concurrence, endorsement, concede, ratification, assent, accept, sanction, admittedly, accepting, concur, yes, consent, permission, imprimatur, accord, ratify, license and 4 more.

DOMINANCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DOMINANCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Dominance” are: ascendance, ascendancy, ascendence, ascendency, control, laterality, authorisation, authority, authorization, potency, say-so, supremacy, superiority, predominance, domination, dominion, mastery, power, rule, command, sway, leverage, influence, prevalence, greater amount, greater number, preponderance, majority, bulk, dominate, dogmatic, prevail, predominate, centralize, cavalier, dictator, commanding, reign, domineer, dominated and 13 more.

PARADIGM: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PARADIGM?

The synonyms and related words of “Paradigm” are: substitution class, epitome, image, prototype, specimen, sample, exemplar, exemplification, instance, case, representative case, case in point, illustration, example, quintessence, paradigmatic, archetype, herbarium, typify, paragon, universality, spheroid, personification, model, ideal, lattice, quintessential, unpopular, photogenic, emulation, mannequin, type, absolute, poser, perfect, replica, monitory

SPY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SPY?

The synonyms and related words of “Spy” are: secret agent, enemy agent, secret service agent, intelligence agent, double agent, counterspy, fifth columnist, mole, plant, scout, descry, espy, spot, sleuth, snoop, stag, sight, eavesdropping, be a spy, be engaged in spying, gather intelligence, work for the secret service, observe furtively, keep under surveillance, watch, keep a watch on, keep an eye on, keep under observation, follow, shadow, trail, notice, observe, see, catch sight of, glimpse, catch a glimpse of, get a glimpse of, make out, discern and 33 more.

VARYING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for VARYING?

The synonyms and related words of “Varying” are: variable, varied, differing, different, parameter, widely, degree, each, difference, dispersed, overrate, distributed, overestimate, vary, limit, disparate, border, variation, disjointed, change, variance, interscholastic, transform, variant, modification, fluctuation, alter, flux, unlike, transformation, fluctuate, another, changed, compatibility

PERSONA: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PERSONA?

The synonyms and related words of “Persona” are: image, character, part, role, theatrical role, face, public face, personality, identity, self, front, facade, mask, guise, exterior, drama, fictitious, sham, fancied, acting, concoct, tv, pretended, actor, histrionic, imitative, assumed, television, theatrical, film, figment, unsubstantial, performer, type, protagonist, video, individuate, traitorous, aerial, serial and 3 more.

NUMBER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for NUMBER?

The synonyms and related words of “Number” are: issue, figure, phone number, telephone number, act, bit, routine, turn, numeral, integer, digit, amount, quantity, sundry, group, company, crowd, circle, party, body, band, crew, set, edition, copy, song, piece of music, musical item, piece, tune, track, count, enumerate, numerate, add up, come, total, keep down, list, add up to and 39 more.