SCHOOL: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SCHOOL?

The synonyms and related words of “School” are: shoal, school day, schooltime, schooling, schoolhouse, centre of learning, department, faculty, division, group, set, circle, clique, faction, sect, way of thinking, school of thought, persuasion, creed, credo, doctrine, belief, faith, outlook, opinion, point of view, civilise, civilize, cultivate, educate, train, teach, instruct, tutor, coach, upskill, drill, discipline, direct, guide and 32 more.

FORTUNATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for FORTUNATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Fortunate” are: rosy, golden, lucky, favoured, blessed, blessed with good luck, in luck, born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, born under a lucky star, charmed, happy, favourable, advantageous, providential, auspicious, welcome, heaven-sent, beneficial, propitious, fortuitous, promising, encouraging, fruitful, opportune, felicitous, profitable, gainful, rewarding, helpful, useful, valuable, timely, well timed, convenient, expedient, wealthy, rich, affluent, opulent, prosperous and 27 more.

ABSENCE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for ABSENCE?

The synonyms and related words of “Absence” are: absence seizure, absenteeism, failing, in default of, classmate, student, school, befriend, freshman, going, attendance, dorm, playpen, alumnus, enrollment, grader, pupil, grad, dormitory, academy, playground, homeroom, undergraduate, campus, teach, leave, trainee, schoolmaster, pal, extracurricular, diploma, enrol, matriculate, teacher

PASSIVE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for PASSIVE?

The synonyms and related words of “Passive” are: inactive, peaceful, submissive, acquiescent, unresisting, yielding, unassertive, compliant, complaisant, pliant, resigned, obedient, docile, tractable, malleable, pliable, meek, subdued, deferential, forbearing, long-suffering, patient, lamblike, supine, passive voice, withdrawn, taciturn, negatively, retiring, passivity, acquiescence, timid, silence, coy, reticent, prudish, prude, diffident, shy, silent and 13 more.

HEAVILY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for HEAVILY?

The synonyms and related words of “Heavily” are: heavy, hard, intemperately, laboriously, slowly, steadily, deliberately, woodenly, stiffly, with heavy steps, decisively, utterly, completely, thoroughly, totally, conclusively, roundly, soundly, absolutely, excessively, immoderately, copiously, inordinately, too much, very much, overmuch, to too great an extent, densely, closely, thickly, compactly, deeply, extremely, very, greatly, exceedingly, enormously, terribly, tremendously, awfully and 29 more.

CREATURE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CREATURE?

The synonyms and related words of “Creature” are: puppet, tool, wight, animal, beast, brute, fauna, person, human being, human, being, mortal, soul, thing, fellow, individual, character, wretch, beggar, minion, lackey, flunkey, hireling, subordinate, servant, retainer, vassal, living, organism, humankind, lifelong, genetically, existential, extant, existence, dweller, habitat, unicellular, archaeopteryx, vertebrate and 14 more.

DENY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DENY?

The synonyms and related words of “Deny” are: traverse, abnegate, refuse, contradict, repudiate, gainsay, declare untrue, dissent from, disagree with, challenge, contest, oppose, turn down, reject, rebuff, repulse, decline, veto, dismiss, disavow, negate, disclaim, refute, disavowal, abnegation, disown, disallow, interdict, renounce, nullify, controvert, impugn, repudiation, objection, denial, refusal, recant, inadmissible, no, rebut and 3 more.

MULTITUDE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for MULTITUDE?

The synonyms and related words of “Multitude” are: hoi polloi, mass, masses, people, the great unwashed, concourse, throng, battalion, large number, pack, plurality, a lot, a great number, a large number, a great quantity, a large quantity, host, horde, mountain, droves, swarm, army, legion, sea, abundance, profusion, crowd, gathering, assembly, group, assemblage, congregation, flock, mob, the common people, the populace, the public, the people, the masses, the rank and file and 23 more.

DEVOTED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for DEVOTED?

The synonyms and related words of “Devoted” are: loyal, faithful, true, staunch, steadfast, constant, committed, dedicated, devout, patriotic, follower, nationalist, trusted, allegiant, trustful, patriot, jingoism, trusting, solely, chauvinism, epigone, liege, dutiful, chauvinistic, exclusively, minion, underling, faithfully, hardcore, trustworthy, allegiance, dote, reliable, henchman, toady