POPULATION: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for POPULATION?

The synonyms and related words of “Population” are: universe, inhabitants, residents, people, citizens, citizenry, public, community, populace, society, natives, occupants, occupiers, ghetto, expatriate, census, slum, city, denseness, deport, outskirts, town, village, borough, suburban, metropolitan, intern, westerner, municipal, resident, density, neighborhood, populous, extradite, hamlet, villager, underpopulated, municipality, banish, exile and 2 more.

CULTIVATE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CULTIVATE?

The synonyms and related words of “Cultivate” are: civilise, civilize, educate, school, train, crop, work, domesticate, naturalise, naturalize, tame, till, plough, dig, turn, hoe, farm, spade, turn over, turn up, break up, loosen, harrow, prepare, fertilize, plant, grow, raise, rear, bring on, tend, try to acquire, pursue, court, seek the friendship of, seek the favour of, try to win over, try to get someone on one's side, try to get on someone's good side, woo and 39 more.

SOPHISTICATED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SOPHISTICATED?

The synonyms and related words of “Sophisticated” are: advanced, worldly, worldly-wise, experienced, enlightened, cosmopolitan, knowledgeable, trailblazing, revolutionary, urbane, svelte, cultured, polished, refined, graceful, elegance, tasteful, willowy, cultivated, mincing, grace, lithe, lissom, debonair, elegant, supple, slender, sophistication, brushwork, jaunty, gracefully, charming, thin, glorify, gentility, delicate, suave, slim, enchantingly

INJUSTICE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for INJUSTICE?

The synonyms and related words of “Injustice” are: unjustness, iniquity, shabbiness, unfairness, inequity, corruption, wrong, injury, offence, evil, villainy, crime, sin, misdeed, outrage, atrocity, scandal, disgrace, monstrosity, affront, grievance, biased, bias, eviction, partiality, intolerant, partial, dispossession, prejudiced, unfair, discriminatory, racism, bigot, prepossess, invidious, prejudice, bigoted, subjective, discriminate, illiberal and 9 more.

CAPABLE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CAPABLE?

The synonyms and related words of “Capable” are: open, subject, able, adequate to, equal to, up to, competent, efficient, effective, proficient, accomplished, adept, apt, practised, experienced, qualified, skilful, skilled, masterly, talented, gifted, competence, proficiency, toolmaker, workmanlike, professionally, veteran, might, seasoned, repairman, adroit, handy, available, fit, craftsman, masterful, practiced, perfect, dextrous, artisan and 3 more.

SATISFIED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SATISFIED?

The synonyms and related words of “Satisfied” are: quenched, slaked, pleased, well pleased, happy, content, contented, fulfilled, gratified, complacency, satisfaction, complacent, enjoyable, contentment, delectation, satisfactorily, bliss, exultant, happiness, exult, glad, laughing, gratification, joviality, euphoria, blessedness, gratify, elated, delighted, gladness, smug, pleasurable, felicity, gladden, delightful, jollity

SIMPLY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for SIMPLY?

The synonyms and related words of “Simply” are: plainly, just, but, merely, only, straightforwardly, directly, soberly, modestly, naturally, quietly, purely, solely, for no other reason, utterly, absolutely, completely, positively, really, totally, mere, nevertheless, readily, though, however, despite, yet, pushover, pittance, tyro, notwithstanding, handful, soupcon, nonetheless, bare, braggadocio, single, already, suffix, sole and 5 more.

EXPECT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for EXPECT?

The synonyms and related words of “Expect” are: anticipate, ask, require, await, look, wait, bear, carry, gestate, have a bun in the oven, look for, hope for, watch for, look forward to, look ahead to, have in prospect, suppose, presume, think it likely, think, believe, imagine, assume, conjecture, surmise, calculate, judge, ask for, call for, wish, want, i assume, i expect, i believe, i presume, i take it, i suppose, i imagine, i dare say, i would have thought and 28 more.

TRAGEDY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for TRAGEDY?

The synonyms and related words of “Tragedy” are: calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, devastation, misfortune, misadventure, mishap, reverse, vicissitude, setback, trial, tribulation, affliction, blight, injury, adversity, drama, play, horrible, terrible, sorrow, befall, grief, dystopia, atrocious, betide, woe, suffering, mischance, heartache, worst, blow, beset, despondency, sadly, mourn, gloom, dreadful, distressed and 2 more.