CAUTERIZE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CAUTERIZE?

Need another word that means the same as “cauterize”? Find 6 synonyms and 30 related words for “cauterize” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Cauterize” are: burn, cauterise, callous, sear, singe, scorch

Cauterize as a Verb

Definitions of "Cauterize" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “cauterize” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.
  • Make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals.
  • Burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent.

Synonyms of "Cauterize" as a verb (6 Words)

burnBurn with heat fire or radiation.
The sun burned off the fog.
callousMake insensitive or callous deaden feelings or morals.
cauteriseMake insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals.
scorchBecome scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions.
The meat had scorched.
searBurn or scorch the surface of (something) with a sudden, intense heat.
A crushing pain seared through his chest.
singeBurn superficially or lightly.
The heat was so intense I could feel the hairs on my hands singe.

Usage Examples of "Cauterize" as a verb

  • I'll freeze the hand and cauterize the wound.
  • The surgeon cauterized the wart.

Associations of "Cauterize" (30 Words)

aflameLighted up by or as by fire or flame.
Even the car s tires were aflame.
alightLighted up by or as by fire or flame.
Candles alight on the tables.
blackBlack colour or pigment.
An insurance company operating in the black will be able to pay for further growth.
blackenBurn slightly and superficially so as to affect color.
Paras in full combat gear with blackened faces.
bonfireA large outdoor fire that is lighted as a signal or in celebration.
Yet again events had made a bonfire of her plans.
brazierA barbecue.
burningThe act of burning something.
Pension reform is still a burning issue.
burntDestroyed or badly damaged by fire.
Burnt sienna.
charBurn to charcoal.
She trimmed the char from the wicks of the oil lamps.
charcoalCharcoal used for drawing.
A selection of works in pencil and charcoal.
coalProvide with a supply of coal.
Ships had to be coaled and supplied.
darken(of someone’s eyes or expression) show anger, sorrow, or another strong negative emotion.
Darken the eyebrows with black powder.
dehydrateCause (a person or their body) to lose a large amount of water.
We usually either freeze or dehydrate the berries and use them as we need to.
desiccateLacking vitality or spirit; lifeless.
Years of drought have desiccated the soil.
dryThe dry season.
He wiped the table dry with his shirt.
fervent(archaic) extremely hot, burning, or glowing.
A fervent supporter of the revolution.
fireDrive out or away by or as if by fire.
Methane gas is being used to fire bricks at a nearby factory.
firewoodWood used for fuel.
They collected and cut their own firewood.
flameBe in flames or aflame.
Jess s cheeks flamed.
hotMake or become hot.
You are hot.
igneousProduced by the action of fire or intense heat.
Rocks formed by igneous agents.
obfuscateMake obscure or unclear.
The spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their etymological origins.
parchCause to wither or parch from exposure to heat.
The sun parched the earth.
scorchBecome scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions.
The flames scorched the ceiling.
searCause to wither or parch from exposure to heat.
Sear the chicken livers in a pan for a few minutes on each side.
singeBe lightly or superficially burned.
The heat was so intense I could feel the hairs on my hands singe.
stokeEncourage or incite (a strong emotion or tendency.
He stoked up the barbecue.
stoveTreat an object by heating it in a stove in order to apply a desired surface coating.
Dinner was already on the stove.
A smile on his swarthy face.
torridVery hot and dry.
A torrid love affair.

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