Need another word that means the same as “cave”? Find 22 synonyms and 30 related words for “cave” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Cave” are: cavern, grotto, hollow, cavity, pothole, underground chamber, gallery, tunnel, dugout, undermine, spelunk, collapse, fall in, give, give way, crumble, crumple, disintegrate, subside, fall down, sag, slump
Cave as a Noun
Definitions of "Cave" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “cave” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A natural underground chamber in a hillside or cliff.
- A geological formation consisting of an underground enclosure with access from the surface of the ground or from the sea.

Synonyms of "Cave" as a noun (9 Words)
cavern | A large, dark place or space. A dark cavern of a shop. |
cavity | Space that is surrounded by something. The abdominal cavity. |
dugout | A canoe made from a hollowed tree trunk. The German gun crews kept in their dugouts. |
gallery | A long room or passage, typically one that is partly open at the side to form a portico or colonnade. An art gallery. |
grotto | A small cave (usually with attractive features. Visits to Father Christmas s grotto. |
hollow | A depression hollowed out of solid matter. A hollow at the base of a large tree. |
pothole | A depression or hollow in a road surface caused by wear or subsidence. Upstream were potholes from the recent rains where a pair of herons stood. |
tunnel | A hole made by an animal, usually for shelter. Cover plants in rows with a cloche tunnel. |
underground chamber | A secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force. |

Usage Examples of "Cave" as a noun
- The narrow gorge contains a series of prehistoric caves.

Cave as a Verb
Definitions of "Cave" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “cave” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Capitulate or submit under pressure; cave in.
- Explore caves as a sport.
- Hollow out as if making a cave or opening.
- Explore natural caves.

Synonyms of "Cave" as a verb (13 Words)
collapse | Cause a lung or blood vessel to collapse. The stock market collapsed. |
crumble | Break or fall apart into fragments. The cookies crumbled. |
crumple | Become wrinkled or crumpled or creased. The bumper crumpled as it glanced off the wall. |
disintegrate | Lose strength or cohesion and gradually fail. A meson can spontaneously disintegrate. |
fall down | Slope downward. |
fall in | Come out; issue. |
give | Give as medicine. A baby given into their care by the accident of her birth. |
give way | Organize or be responsible for. |
sag | Cause to sag. She let her head sag lower and lower. |
slump | Fall or sink heavily. Land prices slumped. |
spelunk | Explore natural caves. |
subside | Lapse into silence or inactivity. Patrick subsided into his seat. |
undermine | Destroy property or hinder normal operations. The demolition engineers did eventually undermine two of the tower s six sides. |

Usage Examples of "Cave" as a verb
- He caved because his position had become untenable.
- She finally caved in the face of his persistence.
- They say they cave for the adventure, challenge, and physical exercise.

Associations of "Cave" (30 Words)
cache | Store data in a cache memory. There was a good supply of meat in the caches. |
calcify | Harden by deposition of or conversion into calcium carbonate or another insoluble calcium compound. Old folks can calcify. |
cavern | Hollow out as if making a cavern. His eyes were dark caverns. |
coal | Take in coal. A coal fire. |
dark | A dark colour or shade especially in a painting. A dark gloomy day. |
darkness | An unenlightened state. The powers of darkness. |
den | Of a wild animal live in a den. The cubs denned in the late autumn. |
dim | Become dim or lusterless. A dim figure in the dark kitchen. |
dripstone | A protective drip that is made of stone. |
dusky | Used in names of animals with dark coloration e g dusky dolphin dusky warbler. Dusky light came from a small window. |
grotto | An indoor structure resembling a cave. Visits to Father Christmas s grotto. |
hidden | Designed to elude detection. A hidden cave. |
impenetrable | Not admitting of penetration or passage into or through. Impenetrable gloom. |
lair | A secret or private place in which a person, especially a criminal or enemy, takes refuge. He led the police to the criminals lair. |
miner | A person who dug tunnels in order to destroy an enemy position with explosives. Anyone can become a bitcoin miner. |
saturnine | (of a place or an occasion) gloomy. His saturnine face and dark watchful eyes. |
shadow | Envelop in shadow cast a shadow over. The police are shadowing her. |
shadowy | Lacking clarity or distinctness. A long shadowy cobbled passage. |
shady | Unscrupulous. He established a dummy company through which he laundered vast sums of cash from shady middlemen and arms dealers. |
spelunker | A person who explores caves. |
stalactite | A tapering structure hanging like an icicle from the roof of a cave, formed of calcium salts deposited by dripping water. |
stalagmite | A cylinder of calcium carbonate projecting upward from the floor of a limestone cave. |
subterranean | Being or operating under the surface of the earth. The subterranean world of the behind the scenes television power brokers. |
sullen | Showing a brooding ill humor. A sullen sunless sky. |
swarthy | Dark-complexioned. Swarthy men with gleaming teeth. |
tenebrous | Dark; shadowy or obscure. A tenebrous cave. |
tourist | Travel as a tourist. The pyramids have drawn tourists to Egypt. |
ulterior | Lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed. Without any purpose immediate or ulterior. |
underground | A member of an underground political group or movement. The New York underground art scene. |
underneath | So as to be concealed by something else. He was wearing a brown jacket with a white T shirt underneath. |