Need another word that means the same as “cerebral”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “cerebral” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Cerebral” are: intellectual, serious, serious-minded, solemn, grave, sober, humourless, staid, steady, intense, learned, erudite, academic, well read, literary, lettered, well educated, knowledgeable, cultured, cultivated, highbrow
Cerebral as an Adjective
Definitions of "Cerebral" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “cerebral” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct.
- Of the cerebrum of the brain.
- Of or relating to the cerebrum or brain.
- Intellectual rather than emotional or physical.

Synonyms of "Cerebral" as an adjective (21 Words)
academic | (of an institution or a course of study) placing a greater emphasis on reading and study than on technical or practical work. Academic painting. |
cultivated | No longer in the natural state; developed by human care and for human use. Cultivated speech. |
cultured | Marked by refinement in taste and manners. A cultured and intelligent man. |
erudite | Having or showing profound knowledge. An erudite professor. |
grave | Causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm. Faced a grave decision in a time of crisis. |
highbrow | Intellectual or rarefied in taste. Innovatory art had a small mostly highbrow following. |
humourless | Lacking humor. A rather humourless performance. |
intellectual | Involving intelligence rather than emotions or instinct. Intellectual workers engaged in creative literary or artistic or scientific labor. |
intense | Extremely sharp or intense. An intense blue. |
knowledgeable | Intelligent and well informed. Knowledgeable about the technique of painting. |
learned | Highly educated; having extensive information or understanding. A learned jurist. |
lettered | Highly educated; having extensive information or understanding. Though not lettered he read widely. |
literary | Of language associated with literary works or other formal writing having a marked style intended to create a particular emotional effect. The script was too literary. |
serious | (of music, literature, or other art forms) requiring or meriting deep reflection. A serious student of history. |
serious-minded | Acting with or showing thought and good sense. |
sober | Completely lacking in playfulness. His expression became sober. |
solemn | Dignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises. A solemn procession. |
staid | Characterized by dignity and propriety. Staid law firms. |
steady | Securely in position; not shaky. A steady job. |
well educated | Resulting favorably. |
well read | In good health especially after having suffered illness or injury. |

Usage Examples of "Cerebral" as an adjective
- A cerebral haemorrhage.
- A cerebral approach to the problem.
- She excelled in cerebral pursuits.
- Cerebral drama.
- The cerebral cortex.
Associations of "Cerebral" (30 Words)
apoplexy | Unconsciousness or incapacity resulting from a cerebral haemorrhage or stroke. Browne died of apoplexy. |
axon | Long nerve fiber that conducts away from the cell body of the neuron. |
brain | The brain of certain animals used as meat. An electronic brain. |
cell | The local area covered by one of the short range transmitters in a cellular telephone system. The cells of a honeycomb. |
cortex | The layer of unmyelinated neurons the grey matter forming the cortex of the cerebrum. |
cortical | Relating to an outer layer of another organ or body part such as a kidney. The imaging of the brain showed cortical atrophy. |
cystic | Of or relating to or resembling a cyst. The ultrasound scan showed a cystic nodule. |
furrow | Cut a furrow into a columns. Furrow soil. |
hemorrhage | Lose blood from one’s body. |
hypertension | A common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or greater. |
intellectual | Appealing to or requiring use of the intellect. Coldly intellectual. |
lesion | An injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin. |
malignant | Evil in nature or effect; malevolent. In the hands of malignant fate. |
necrosis | The localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply. |
nerve | Any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the body. He kept his nerve and won five games in a row. |
neural | Relating to a nerve or the nervous system. Patterns of neural activity. |
neuron | A cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses. |
neuroscientist | A neurobiologist who specializes in the study of the brain. There is a significant and growing need among neuroscientists to exchange experimental data. |
palsy | Affect with palsy. Is the calmness of philosophy or the palsy of insensibility to be looked for. |
parietal | Of or relating to or associated with the parietal bones in the cranium. Parietal rules. |
phloem | (botany) tissue that conducts synthesized food substances (e.g., from leaves) to parts where needed; consists primarily of sieve tubes. |
seizure | A sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease. The seizure of the Assembly building. |
sensorimotor | Of or relating to the sensory and motor coordination of an organism or to the controlling nerves. |
skull | The bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates. My waking came in drugged stages I had been skulled. |
synapse | The junction between two neurons (axon-to-dendrite) or between a neuron and a muscle. Nerve impulses cross a synapse through the action of neurotransmitters. |
tactician | A person who is skilled at planning tactics. A brilliant political tactician. |
tumor | An abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose. |
ulcer | A moral blemish or corrupting influence. He s a conman with an incurable ulcer called gambling. |
vascular | Relating to or denoting the plant tissues (xylem and phloem) which conduct water, sap, and nutrients in flowering plants, ferns, and their relatives. The vascular system. |