Need another word that means the same as “childlike”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “childlike” in this overview.
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The synonyms of “Childlike” are: dewy-eyed, round-eyed, simple, wide-eyed, childly, innocent, artless, guileless, unworldly, unsophisticated, green, inexperienced, naive, ingenuous, trusting, trustful, unsuspicious, unwary, unguarded, credulous, gullible
Childlike as an Adjective
Definitions of "Childlike" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “childlike” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity.
- (of an adult) having the good qualities, such as innocence, associated with a child.
- Befitting a young child.

Synonyms of "Childlike" as an adjective (21 Words)
artless | Showing lack of art. Her awkward artless prose. |
childly | Befitting a young child. |
credulous | Disposed to believe on little evidence. A ceremony staged for credulous tourists. |
dewy-eyed | Exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity. |
green | Denoting a green light or flag used as a signal to proceed. Her flashing green eyes. |
guileless | Free of deceit. His face once so open and guileless. |
gullible | Easily tricked because of being too trusting. An attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money. |
inexperienced | Lacking practical experience or training. An inexperienced driver. |
ingenuous | Lacking in sophistication or worldliness. His ingenuous explanation that he would not have burned the church if he had not thought the bishop was in it. |
innocent | Not knowledgeable about something specified. She is a poor innocent young creature. |
naive | Of or created by one without formal training simple or naive in style. This naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances. |
round-eyed | Having large round wide-open eyes. |
simple | (of interest) payable on the sum loaned only. A quiet unassuming man with simple tastes. |
trustful | Having or marked by a total belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone. A trustful acceptance of authority. |
trusting | Inclined to believe or confide readily; full of trust. A shy and trusting child. |
unguarded | Not well considered; careless. An unguarded gate. |
unsophisticated | Not wise in the ways of the world. The nightlife of Montmartre awed the unsophisticated tourists. |
unsuspicious | Not suspicious. She has a caring unsuspicious nature. |
unwary | Not alert to danger or deception- O.J.Campbell. Accidents can happen to the unwary traveller. |
unworldly | Not seeming to belong to this planet; strange. Was unworldly and did not greatly miss worldly rewards. |
wide-eyed | Fully open or extended. |

Usage Examples of "Childlike" as an adjective
- Childlike trust.
- She speaks with a childlike directness.
- Childlike charm.

Associations of "Childlike" (30 Words)
artless | (of persons) lacking art or knowledge. An artless literary masterpiece. |
bumpkin | An unsophisticated or socially awkward person from the countryside. She thought Tom a bit of a country bumpkin. |
callow | (of a young person) inexperienced and immature. Earnest and callow undergraduates. |
candid | Openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness. I gave them my candid opinion. |
childish | Indicating a lack of maturity. It was childish of her to rip up the picture. |
clarity | The quality of being certain or definite. It was clarity of purpose that he needed. |
credulous | Disposed to believe on little evidence. A ceremony staged for credulous tourists. |
downright | To an extreme degree; thoroughly. A downright lie. |
easily | With ease easy is sometimes used informally for easily. The body could easily be that of an actress. |
frank | Clearly manifest; evident. Frank ulceration. |
girl | A person s girlfriend. I had to look my best for my girl. |
guileless | Devoid of guile; innocent and without deception. His face once so open and guileless. |
honest | Worthy of being depended on. He d made an honest mistake. |
honesty | The quality of being honest. I bought potatoes and tomatoes from the roadside stall putting 3 in the honesty box. |
immature | Not fully developed. Immature behavior. |
impressionable | Easily influenced. An impressionable age. |
inexperienced | Lacking practical experience or training. An inexperienced driver. |
infantile | Of or relating to infants or infancy. Infantile colic. |
ingenue | An artless innocent young girl (especially as portrayed on the stage. |
ingenuous | Characterized by an inability to mask your feelings; not devious. She s staggeringly ingenuous or possibly very cunning indeed. |
innocence | The state, quality, or fact of being innocent of a crime or offence. All the boys lost their innocence with her. |
naive | Of or created by one without formal training simple or naive in style. This naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances. |
naivete | Lack of sophistication or worldliness. Some of the material is laughable in its naïvet. |
out-and-out | Moving or appearing to move away from a place, especially one that is enclosed or hidden. |
puerile | Of or characteristic of a child. Puerile jokes. |
sincere | Open and genuine; not deceitful. He was a good man decent and sincere. |
suggestible | Open to suggestion; easily swayed. Suggestible young minds. |
trusting | Inclined to believe or confide readily; full of trust. It is foolish to be too trusting of other people. |
unsophisticated | Awkwardly simple and provincial. Either too unsophisticated or too honest to promise more than he could deliver. |
yokel | An uneducated and unsophisticated person from the countryside. |