CLEANLINESS: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CLEANLINESS?

Need another word that means the same as “cleanliness”? Find 30 related words for “cleanliness” in this overview.

Associations of "Cleanliness" (30 Words)

abstinenceAct or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite.
I started drinking again after six years of abstinence.
antisepticAn antiseptic compound or preparation.
Come into the house and have some antiseptic put on that wound.
Each assay was performed in duplicate.
chastityThe state or practice of refraining from extramarital, or especially from all, sexual intercourse.
Vows of chastity.
cleanFree from dirt or impurities or having clean habits.
Clean up before you see your grandparents.
diaperPut a nappy on (a baby).
disinfectDestroy microorganisms or pathogens by cleansing.
Chlorine has been used to disinfect water in pools for many years.
disinfectantA chemical liquid that destroys bacteria.
Cleansing and disinfectant products.
disinfectionTreatment to destroy harmful microorganisms.
Instruments must undergo high level disinfection before reuse.
disposable(of an article) intended to be thrown away after use.
Every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire.
fumigateTreat with fumes, expose to fumes, especially with the aim of disinfecting or eradicating pests.
We got sulphur candles to fumigate the house.
guiltlessFree from evil or guilt.
People are forever criticizing the service and I am not myself guiltless in this.
healthyPromoting health; healthful- C.B.Davis.
Healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy.
honourBestow honor or rewards upon.
An honours degree in mathematics.
hygieneConditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
Personal hygiene.
hygienicConducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially by being clean; sanitary.
Hygienic conditions.
innocenceThe quality of innocent naivete.
All the boys lost their innocence with her.
laundryThe action or process of washing clothes and linen.
Cooking and laundry were undertaken by domestic staff.
neatlyIn a neat way.
She neatly sidestepped the question.
purityFreedom from adulteration or contamination.
White roses represent purity and innocence.
sanitaryRelating to the conditions that affect hygiene and health, especially the supply of sewage facilities and clean drinking water.
The most convenient and sanitary way to get rid of food waste from your kitchen.
sanitationThe state of being clean and conducive to health.
They could afford to erect new dwellings with a reasonable standard of construction and sanitation.
sterilizationThe process of making something free from bacteria or other living microorganisms.
The food processing plant has undergone three sterilizations supervised by a microbiologist.
sterilizeMake infertile.
A Scandinavian lake has been sterilized by rain made acid.
toiletA room or building equipped with one or more toilets.
Someone pushed at the toilet door.
It has an unspotted white throat.
unstainedWithout soil or spot or stain.
An apron keeps his clothing unstained.
washWash or flow against.
Does this material wash.
washingThe action of washing oneself or laundering clothes bed linen etc.
She took her washing around to the launderette.
woundThe act of inflicting a wound.
The new crisis has opened old wounds.

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