Need another word that means the same as “cliche”? Find 4 synonyms and 30 related words for “cliche” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Cliche” are: banality, bromide, commonplace, platitude
Cliche as a Noun
Definitions of "Cliche" as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “cliche” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- A trite or obvious remark.

Synonyms of "Cliche" as a noun (4 Words)
banality | The fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality. There is an essential banality to the story he tells. |
bromide | A reproduction or piece of typesetting on bromide paper. Feel good bromides create the illusion of problem solving. |
commonplace | A notable passage in a work copied into a commonplace book. Bombing has become almost a commonplace of public life there. |
platitude | A trite or obvious remark. She began uttering liberal platitudes. |

Associations of "Cliche" (30 Words)
banal | So lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring. Songs with banal repeated words. |
banality | The fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality. There is an essential banality to the story he tells. |
bland | Lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting. Standardized bland beers of mediocre quality. |
boring | So lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness. I ve got a boring job in an office. |
bromide | A reproduction or piece of typesetting on bromide paper. Feel good bromides create the illusion of problem solving. |
commonplace | A notable passage in a work copied into a commonplace book. Commonplace everyday activities. |
conventional | Based on or in accordance with what is generally done or believed. Conventional wisdom. |
dull | Make dull in appearance. How dull and dreary the world is. |
featureless | Lacking distinctive attributes or aspects. The featureless landscape of the steppe. |
hackneyed | Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse. Hackneyed old sayings. |
humdrum | Not challenging; dull and lacking excitement. Humdrum routine work. |
insipid | Lacking flavour; weak or tasteless. Insipid hospital food. |
lackluster | Lacking luster or shine. Staring with lackluster eyes. |
median | Denoting the middle term or mean of the middle two terms of a series arranged in order of magnitude For example the median number of the series 55 62 76 85 93 is 76. The median part of the sternum. |
mediocrity | The quality or state of being mediocre. The team suddenly came good after years of mediocrity. |
monotony | Constancy of tone or pitch or inflection. Depression flattens the voice almost to monotony. |
nondescript | A nondescript person or thing. The nondescripts were straight out of the nine to five banking bureaucracy. |
normal | Conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm not abnormal. Of normal intelligence. |
ordinary | With no special or distinctive features; normal. Their clich s were vested with enough emotion to elevate them above the ordinary. |
platitude | A remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful. She began uttering liberal platitudes. |
ponderous | Slow and clumsy because of great weight. Ponderous weapons. |
shopworn | Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse. Shopworn merchandise at half price. |
simplistic | Characterized by extreme and often misleading simplicity. Simplistic solutions. |
stereotyped | Viewed or represented as a stereotype. Stereotyped phrases of condolence. |
timeworn | Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse. Parroting some timeworn axiom. |
trite | (of a remark or idea) lacking originality or freshness; dull on account of overuse. His remarks were trite and commonplace. |
unexceptional | Not special in any way. An unexceptional movie. |
unremarkable | Found in the ordinary course of events- Anita Diamant. His early childhood was unremarkable. |
usual | Habitually or typically occurring or done; customary. Their room was a shambles as usual. |
vapid | Lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest. A bunch of vapid schoolgirls. |