Need another word that means the same as “cloudy”? Find 31 synonyms and 30 related words for “cloudy” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Cloudy” are: nebulose, nebulous, mirky, muddy, murky, turbid, overcast, clouded, milky, dirty, dull, opaque, opalescent, tearful, teary, weepy, weeping, lachrymose, vague, blurred, fuzzy, indistinct, imprecise, foggy, hazy, confused, muddled, indefinite, lacking definition, obscure, unformed
Cloudy as an Adjective
Definitions of "Cloudy" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “cloudy” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Full of or covered with clouds.
- (of a person's eyes) misted with tears.
- (of a liquid) not transparent or clear.
- (of the sky or weather) covered with or characterized by clouds.
- (of liquids) clouded as with sediment.
- Lacking definite form or limits- H.T.Moore.
- Lacking definite form or limits.
- Uncertain; unclear.
- Clouded as with sediment.
- (of a colour) having white as a constituent.

Synonyms of "Cloudy" as an adjective (31 Words)
blurred | Indistinct or hazy in outline. The camera caught only two blurred images. |
clouded | Unclear in form or expression. A mind clouded by sorrow. |
confused | Mentally confused unable to think with clarity or act intelligently. A confused set of instructions. |
dull | Emitting or reflecting very little light. Dull days with nothing to do. |
foggy | Indistinctly expressed or remembered; obscure. My memories of the event are foggy. |
fuzzy | Difficult to perceive; indistinct or vague. Their former jolly sound has been drowned in swathes of layered fuzzy guitar. |
hazy | Indistinct or hazy in outline. It was a beautiful day but quite hazy. |
imprecise | Not precise. Imprecise astronomical observations. |
indefinite | Vague or not clearly defined or stated. Plans are indefinite. |
indistinct | Not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand. Only indistinct notions of what to do. |
lachrymose | Inducing tears; sad. A lachrymose children s classic. |
lacking definition | Inadequate in amount or degree. |
milky | Resembling milk in colour. Milky glass. |
mirky | Clouded as with sediment. |
muddled | Confused and vague; used especially of thinking. The muddled display of pictures has been taken down. |
muddy | Covered in or full of mud. The original colours were blurred into muddy pink and yellow. |
murky | Dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist. Murky rooms lit by smoke blackened lamps. |
nebulose | Cloudlike, resembling a cloud or clouds. |
nebulous | Lacking definite form or limits. Nebulous reasons. |
obscure | Not important or well known. The obscure light of dawn. |
opalescent | Having a play of lustrous rainbow colors. A milky opalescent or opaline luster. |
opaque | Not clearly understood or expressed. Technical jargon that was opaque to her. |
overcast | (of the edge of a piece of fabric) sewn with long slanting stitches to prevent fraying. A chilly overcast day. |
tearful | Filled with or marked by tears. Tearful entreaties. |
teary | With eyes full of tears. Bill said a teary goodbye. |
turbid | (of liquids) clouded as with sediment. The turbid estuary. |
unformed | Not having form or shape. He had an ambitious albeit unformed idea for a novel. |
vague | Lacking clarity or distinctness. Saw a vague outline of a building through the fog. |
weeping | Used in names of tree and shrub varieties with drooping branches e g weeping cherry. The pendulous branches of a weeping willow. |
weepy | Sentimental. A weepy made for TV movie. |

Usage Examples of "Cloudy" as an adjective
- A very grey, cloudy day.
- Gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion.
- Cloudy reds and blues and greens.
- The issue becomes more cloudy.
- The pond water is slightly cloudy.
- A cloudy liquid.
- She stared at him, her eyes cloudy.
- Cloudy skies.

Associations of "Cloudy" (30 Words)
blur | Make unclear indistinct or blurred. The haze blurs the hills. |
blurred | Unable to see or be seen clearly. The blurred aims of the group. |
blurry | Indistinct or hazy in outline. There s a very blurry line between art and advertising. |
cloud | Darken the sky with cloud. The blue skies clouded over abruptly. |
dim | Made dim or less bright. The dim drone of their voices. |
dusky | Used in names of animals with dark coloration e g dusky dolphin dusky warbler. Dusky light came from a small window. |
faint | Lacking conviction or boldness or courage. A faint aroma. |
fog | Bewilder or puzzle. A whirling fog of dust. |
foggy | Full of or characterized by fog. She was foggy with sleep. |
hazy | Indistinct or hazy in outline. Hazy memories. |
humid | Marked by a relatively high level of water vapour in the atmosphere. Humid air. |
inconspicuous | Not prominent or readily noticeable. He pushed the string through an inconspicuous hole. |
indistinct | Not clear or sharply defined. His speech was slurred and indistinct. |
lightproof | Not penetrable by light. Lightproof containers. |
lowering | The act of causing to become less. The lowering of the legal limit has exacerbated the situation. |
mist | Become covered with mist. Don t mist furry leaved plants such as African violets. |
misty | Indistinct or dim in outline. The misty air above the frozen river. |
murkiness | The quality of being cloudy. |
murky | Dark or gloomy. Murky waters. |
nebulous | Lacking definite form or limits- H.T.Moore. A giant nebulous glow. |
opaque | An opaque thing. Opaque windows of the jail. |
rain | Precipitate as rain. It was beginning to rain. |
rainy | Wet by periods of rain. A rainy afternoon. |
smog | Fog or haze intensified by smoke or other atmospheric pollutants. Exhaust emissions are mainly responsible for the smog. |
smoke | Inhale and exhale the smoke produced by burning a narcotic drug. I m dying for a smoke. |
turbid | Confused or obscure in meaning or effect. A turbid piece of cin ma v rit. |
unclear | Not clear to the mind. Their future remains unclear. |
unintelligible | Impossible to understand. Unintelligible speech. |
vague | Not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished. Saw a vague outline of a building through the fog. |
wet | Make one s bed or clothes wet by urinating. The baby was wet and needed changing. |