COLLAR: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COLLAR?

Need another word that means the same as “collar”? Find 35 synonyms and 30 related words for “collar” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Collar” are: leash, neckband, apprehension, arrest, catch, pinch, taking into custody, choker, dog collar, shoe collar, ring, band, collet, sleeve, pipe, flange, rim, rib, apprehend, cop, nab, nail, pick up, capture, seize, accost, address, speak to, talk to, call to, shout to, hail, initiate a discussion with

Collar as a Noun

Definitions of "Collar" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “collar” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A connecting band or pipe in machinery.
  • A piece of meat rolled up and tied.
  • (zoology) an encircling band or marking around the neck of any animal.
  • An encircling band or marking around the neck of any animal.
  • A heavy rounded part of the harness worn by a draught animal, which rests at the base of its neck on the shoulders.
  • The part around the neck of a shirt, blouse, jacket or coat, either upright or turned over.
  • The part of a plant where the stem joins the roots.
  • A band of leather or rope that is placed around an animal's neck as a harness or to identify it.
  • The stitching that forms the rim of a shoe or boot.
  • A figurative restraint.
  • A coloured marking resembling a collar round the neck of a bird or other animal.
  • The act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal.
  • Necklace that fits tightly around a woman's neck.
  • A band put around the neck of an animal, used to restrain, control, or identify it.
  • A band that fits around the neck and is usually folded over.
  • Anything worn or placed about the neck.
  • A cut of bacon taken from the neck of a pig.
  • A short ring fastened over a rod or shaft to limit, guide, or secure a machine part.

Synonyms of "Collar" as a noun (18 Words)

apprehensionFearful expectation or anticipation.
They acted with intent to prevent lawful apprehension.
arrestThe act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal.
The negotiations were in arrest.
bandJewelry consisting of a circlet of precious metal (often set with jewels) worn on the finger.
A narrow band of gold was her only jewellery.
catchAnything that is caught especially if it is worth catching.
The window catch was rusty.
chokerAn extremely upsetting experience.
He could win if he wasn t a choker.
colletA band or collar that holds an individual stone in a jewelry setting.
dog collarMetal supports for logs in a fireplace.
leashThe cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one.
He s always gotten a long leash.
neckbandA band that fits around the neck and is usually folded over.
pinchAn act of pinching someone.
The pinch of the recession.
A fresh pipe of port.
ribCut of meat including one or more ribs.
Knit a new rib.
rimThe outer edge of a wheel, on which the tyre is fitted.
He looked over the rim of his glasses.
ringThe sound of a bell ringing.
A ring of ships in the harbor.
shoe collarNecklace that fits tightly around a woman’s neck.
sleeveThe part of a garment that wholly or partly covers a person’s arm.
A shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
taking into custodyThe act of someone who picks up or takes something.

Usage Examples of "Collar" as a noun

  • The thief was forced to wear a heavy wooden collar.
  • We turned our collars up against the chill.
  • The drake has a narrow black collar.
  • A shirt collar.
  • Asked for a collar on program trading in the stock market.
  • A shire horse leaning into its collar.
  • The policeman on the beat got credit for the collar.
  • A collar of flowers was placed about the neck of the winning horse.
  • The first step is to choose a collar that fits the dog properly.

Collar as a Verb

Definitions of "Collar" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “collar” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Seize by the neck or collar.
  • Furnish with a collar.
  • Stop (someone) in order to talk to them.
  • Take into custody.
  • Put a collar on (an animal.
  • Seize or apprehend (someone.

Synonyms of "Collar" as a verb (17 Words)

accostApproach with an offer of sexual favors.
He was accosted by a thief demanding his money or his life.
addressPut an address on an envelope.
The chairman addressed the board of trustees.
apprehendArrest (someone) for a crime.
We enter a field of vision we could not otherwise apprehend.
arrestSuffer a heart attack.
They arrested a vessel with a ton of salmon on board.
call toMake a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands.
captureBring about the capture of an elementary particle or celestial body and causing it enter a new orbit.
She did a series of sketches trying to capture all his moods.
catchDiscover or come upon accidentally suddenly or unexpectedly catch somebody doing something or in a certain state.
He bellowed something Jess couldn t catch.
copIncur (something unwelcome.
He copped some hash for me.
hailHail falls.
She hails from Kalamazoo.
initiate a discussion withAccept people into an exclusive society or group, usually with some rite.
nabTag the base runner to get him out.
They recently nabbed a burglar inside the house he was ransacking.
nailAttach something somewhere by means of nails.
He spoke out to nail the lie that he d had a row with his manager.
pick upPilfer or rob.
seizeSeize and take control without authority and possibly with force take as one s right or possession.
He always strains to seize the most sombre truths.
shout toUtter a sudden loud cry.
speak toGive a speech to.
talk toReveal information.

Usage Examples of "Collar" as a verb

  • The animal had been captured, collared, and released by federal researchers.
  • Police collared the culprit.
  • Collar the dog.
  • He collared a departing guest for some last words.

Associations of "Collar" (30 Words)

apparelClothe (someone.
They were dressed in bright apparel.
blouseA woman’s upper garment resembling a shirt, typically with a collar, buttons, and sleeves.
I bloused my trousers over my boots.
bodiceA sleeveless, close-fitting waist-length garment, typically lacing up in the front, worn over a dress or blouse or as underwear.
brogueA strong outdoor shoe with ornamental perforated patterns in the leather.
chiffon(of a cake or dessert) made with beaten egg to give a light consistency.
Chiffon cake.
corsetDress with a corset.
dressPut a dressing on.
Dress the patient.
epauletAdornment consisting of an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder.
garmentAn item of clothing.
A windproof outer garment.
gownDress in a gown.
She was gowned in luminous silk.
hatHeaddress that protects the head from bad weather has shaped crown and usually a brim.
Wearing her scientific hat she is director of a pharmacology research group.
hemUtter hem or ahem.
He stitched weights into the curtain s hem.
jacketCover with a jacket.
The men were jacketed.
jeanClose-fitting trousers of heavy denim for manual work or casual wear.
A jean jacket.
leggingA garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle.
pantsUnderpants worn by women.
He thought we were going to be absolute pants.
plaidChequered or tartan twilled cloth, typically made of wool.
A plaid shawl.
robePut on robes especially for a formal or ceremonial occasion.
A baby in christening robes.
shirtPut a shirt on.
A rugby shirt.
skimpy(of clothes) short and revealing.
My knowledge of music is extremely skimpy.
skirtThe curtain that hangs round the base of a hovercraft to contain the air cushion.
She skirted the problem.
sleeveA windsock.
A shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
sweaterA knitted garment worn on the upper body, typically with long sleeves, put on over the head.
A close knit wool sweater for icy weather.
sweatshirtCotton knit pullover with long sleeves worn during athletic activity.
togaA one-piece cloak worn by men in ancient Rome.
tuckMake a tuck or several folds in.
She tucked her legs under her.
undershirtA collarless men’s undergarment for the upper part of the body.
vestOf a chorister or member of the clergy put on vestments.
Kim looked chic in her pink jeans and white vest top.
waistcoatA man’s sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat.
wearThe wearing of something or the state of being worn as clothing.
Although she was a widow she didn t wear black.

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