Categories: GeneralSynonyms

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COMMUNITY SERVICE?

Need another word that means the same as “community service”? Find 30 related words for “community service” in this overview.

Associations of "Community service" (30 Words)

accommodateProvide with something desired or needed.
Making users accommodate to the realities of today s marketplace.
birminghamThe largest city in Alabama; located in northeastern Alabama.
bookingThe act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group.
The play had bookings throughout the summer.
caterProvide people with food and drink at a social event or other gathering.
My mother helped to cater for the party.
choreA tedious but necessary task.
The farmer s morning chores.
cityA town created a city by charter and usually containing a cathedral.
Ancient Troy was a great city.
communeA territorial division similar to a French commune in other countries.
Very few of the abbey s vineyards were actually located within the commune of Hautvillers.
departmentA specialized sphere of knowledge.
He was a bit lacking in the height department.
diasporaThe dispersion of the Jews outside Israel; from the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 587-86 BC when they were exiled to Babylonia up to the present time.
The diaspora of boat people from Asia.
emigrantA person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another.
She was a Polish emigrant who came to Scotland during the Second World War.
ghettoThe Jewish quarter in a city.
The Warsaw ghetto.
hotelA code word representing the letter H, used in radio communication.
A hotel room.
localA local branch of an organization especially a trade union.
Catch the local into New Delhi.
localizationThe principle that specific functions have relatively circumscribed locations in some particular part or organ of the body.
The tug of war between the forces of globalization and localization.
manchesterA city in northwestern England (30 miles to the east of Liverpool); heart of the most densely populated area of England.
municipalRelating or belonging to or characteristic of a municipality.
National and municipal elections.
neighborhoodA surrounding or nearby region.
He always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood.
outskirtsOutlying areas (as of a city or town.
They mingled in the outskirts of the crowd.
oxfordA city in southern England to the northwest of London; site of Oxford University.
provideMake a possibility or provide opportunity for permit to be attainable or cause to remain.
The order should be varied to provide that there would be no contact with the father.
reservationA right or interest retained in an estate being conveyed.
Do you have a reservation.
reserveArrange for and reserve something for someone else in advance.
Roll out half the dough and reserve the other half.
residentAttached to and working regularly for a particular institution.
Resident mute swans and wintering Bewick s swans.
residentialOccupied by private houses.
Private residential and nursing homes.
ruralLiving in or characteristic of farming or country life.
Rural people.
scullionA servant assigned the most menial kitchen tasks.
slumSpend time at a lower socio-economic level than one’s own, motivated by curiosity or desire for adventure; usage considered condescending and insensitive.
Slum areas.
stopoverA stopping place on a journey.
A brief stopover at Shannon Airport.
suburbanRelating to or characteristic of or situated in suburbs.
Suburban life.
townThe particular town under consideration especially one s own town.
They drive through town on their way to work.

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