Need another word that means the same as “complained”? Find 30 related words for “complained” in this overview.
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Associations of "Complained" (30 Words)
cry | Bring into a particular state by crying. A cry to arms. |
cynic | Someone who is critical of the motives of others. Some cynics thought that the controversy was all a publicity stunt. |
discontented | Dissatisfied, especially with one’s circumstances. Strikes by discontented workers. |
disgruntled | In a state of sulky dissatisfaction. Judges receive letters from disgruntled members of the public. |
disobedience | Failure or refusal to obey rules or someone in authority. Disobedience to law is sometimes justified. |
dissatisfied | Not content or happy with something. Dissatisfied customers. |
dissatisfy | Fail to satisfy (someone. What is it about these words that dissatisfies you? |
gripe | Secure a boat with gripes. Hilyard griped his dagger. |
grouch | Voice one’s discontent ill-temperedly; grumble. He s in a thundering grouch. |
grouse | Flesh of any of various grouse of the family Tetraonidae usually roasted flesh too dry to broil. |
growl | The sound of growling as made by animals. Keep out of this he growled. |
grumble | Make a low rumbling sound. I m getting old she grumbled. |
holler | A loud cry or shout. He hollered out to surrender our weapons. |
howl | Make a howling sound. They listened to the howl of the gale. |
ingratitude | A discreditable lack of gratitude. He returned his daughter s care with ingratitude and unkindness. |
malcontent | A person who is dissatisfied and rebellious. It was too late to stop the malcontents with a show of force. |
mutter | Talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice. He muttered something under his breath. |
muttering | A low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech. There were disloyal mutterings about his leadership. |
rant | A spell of ranting a tirade. His rants against organized religion. |
rumble | A loud low dull continuous noise. There were of rumbles of discontent from small retailers. |
screech | Make a high pitched screeching noise. The van screeched round a bend at speed. |
shriek | Sharp piercing cry. The answer shrieked at her all too clearly. |
sniffle | An act or sound of sniffing. She had a slight cough and a sniffle. |
snivel | An act or sound of snivelling. He shouldn t snivel about his punishment. |
squawk | The noise of squawking. She awoke to the squawk of chickens. |
squeal | Make a squeal. She feared they would victimize her for squealing on their pals. |
wail | Utter a wail. The wail of an air raid siren. |
whimper | A whimpering sound. She gave a little whimper of protest. |
whine | A complaining tone of voice. The dog gave a small whine. |
yell | Utter or declare in a very loud voice. Her foot slipped and she gave a yell of fear. |