COMPOUNDING: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COMPOUNDING?

Need another word that means the same as “compounding”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “compounding” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Compounding” are: combination, combining

Compounding as a Noun

Definitions of "Compounding" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “compounding” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • The act of combining things to form a new whole.
  • A whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts.
  • An enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient.
  • A substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight.

Synonyms of "Compounding" as a noun (2 Words)

combinationA sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock.
This colour combination is stunningly effective.
combiningThe act of combining things to form a new whole.

Associations of "Compounding" (30 Words)

adulterantA substance used to adulterate another.
It is necessary to remove the adulterants before use.
amalgamAn alloy of mercury with another metal usually silver used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth except for iron and platinum all metals dissolve in mercury and chemists refer to the resulting mercury mixtures as amalgams.
His theory is an amalgam of earlier ideas.
atomAtomic particles as a source of nuclear energy.
Eight atom hockey teams.
blendThe act of blending components together thoroughly.
Smog is a blend of smoke and fog.
blendedCombined or mixed together so that the constituent parts are indistinguishable.
blendingThe act of blending components together thoroughly.
Clever cultural blendings.
chemicallyBy use of chemicals.
Her naturally wavy blonde hair was chemically straightened.
combinationA sequence of numbers or letters used to open a combination lock.
A magnificent combination of drama dance and music.
commingleMix; blend.
The part of the brain where the senses commingle.
complexMake an atom or compound form a complex with another.
A leisure complex.
complexityThe quality of being intricate and compounded.
An issue of great complexity.
complicatedConsisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.
A complicated stereo system.
compositeA composite constructional material.
The English legal system is a composite of legislation and judicial precedent.
conjugateA mixture of two partially miscible liquids A and B produces two conjugate solutions one of A in B and another of B in A.
Conjugate the verb.
diluteReduce the value of (a shareholding) by issuing more shares in a company without increasing the values of its assets.
A dilute solution of potassium permanganate.
hodgepodgeA theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas.
Rob s living room was a hodgepodge of modern furniture and antiques.
hybridBred as a hybrid from different species or varieties.
Hybrid diesel electric buses.
hydrolyzeUndergo hydrolysis; decompose by reacting with water.
hydroxideA compound of a metal with the hydroxide ion OH as in many alkalis or the group OH.
integrateBecome one become integrated.
The students at this school integrate immediately despite their different backgrounds.
involutionA long and intricate and complicated grammatical construction.
Periods of artistic involution.
melangeA motley assortment of things.
A melange of tender vegetables and herbs.
mingleBe all mixed up or jumbled together.
The sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs.
miterConfer a miter on a bishop.
He covered the miter with glue before making the joint.
mixAn event that combines things in a mixture.
Music was blaring and there was a DJ in the corner mixing and scratching.
mixtureAn event that combines things in a mixture.
He was a curious mixture an unpredictable man.
molecule(physics and chemistry) the simplest structural unit of an element or compound.
synthesizeCombine (a number of things) into a coherent whole.
Vitamin D only synthesizes when sunlight is available.
thinnerA diluting agent.
Dampen a clean rag with thinners and carefully wipe any remaining dust from the timber.
uniteAct in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief.
They are united by their love of cars.

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