Need another word that means the same as “concrete”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “concrete” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Concrete” are: solid, material, real, physical, tangible, touchable, tactile, palpable, visible, existing, definite, specific, firm, positive, conclusive, definitive
Concrete as an Adjective
Definitions of "Concrete" as an adjective
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “concrete” as an adjective can have the following definitions:
- Existing in a material or physical form; not abstract.
- Capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary.
- Formed by the coalescence of particles.
- Specific; definite.
- (of a noun) denoting a material object as opposed to an abstract quality, state, or action.

Synonyms of "Concrete" as an adjective (16 Words)
conclusive | (of evidence or argument) having or likely to have the effect of proving a case; decisive. The evidence is conclusive. |
definite | Clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful. A definite statement of the terms of the will. |
definitive | Of recognized authority or excellence. The definitive work on Greece. |
existing | Existing in something specified. The existing system. |
firm | Marked by firm determination or resolution not shakable. The snow was firm underfoot. |
material | Having material or physical form or substance Benjamin Jowett. The insects did not do any material damage to the crop. |
palpable | (medicine) can be felt by palpation. A barely palpable dust. |
physical | Impelled by physical force especially against resistance. The physical size of a computer. |
positive | Having a positive charge. He made a positive identification of a glossy ibis. |
real | Coinciding with reality. An increase in real terms of 11 6 per cent. |
solid | Of good quality and condition solidly built. The bank is solid and will survive this attack. |
specific | Stated explicitly or in detail. Quinine is highly specific for malaria. |
tactile | (of a person) given to touching other people, especially as an unselfconscious expression of sympathy or affection. Tactile exhibitions help blind people enjoy the magic of sculpture. |
tangible | Clear and definite; real. Tangible assets such as machinery. |
touchable | Perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch. |
visible | Present and easily available. Visible resources. |

Usage Examples of "Concrete" as an adjective
- I haven't got any concrete proof.
- Concrete objects like stones.
- Concrete objects such as trees.

Associations of "Concrete" (30 Words)
adobe | A building constructed from adobe clay or bricks. Adobe houses. |
alabaster | Like alabaster in whiteness and smoothness. Alabaster statue. |
asphalt | The pitch used in asphalt sometimes found in natural deposits but usually made by the distillation of crude oil. Asphalt the driveway. |
brick | Block or enclose with a wall of bricks. I had one of those Motorola bricks as my first cell phone. |
build | Build or establish something abstract. The county council plans to build a bypass. |
calcite | A common mineral consisting of crystallized calcium carbonate; a major constituent of limestone. |
calcium | A white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light; the fifth most abundant element in the earth’s crust; an important component of most plants and animals. |
cement | Concrete pavement is sometimes referred to as cement. We cemented our friendship. |
clay | A hardened clay surface for a tennis court. Honor comes to bless the turf that wraps their clay. |
gypsum | A common white or colorless mineral (hydrated calcium sulphate) used to make cements and plasters (especially plaster of Paris. |
hardened | Used of persons emotionally hardened. Hardened police officers. |
inured | Made tough by habitual exposure- Robert Lynd- V.S.Pritchett. A peasant dark lean faced wind inured. |
kiln | A furnace for firing or burning or drying such things as porcelain or bricks. |
lime | The green acidic fruit of any of various lime trees. The oak had to be limed then waxed and then brushed to get that particular effect. |
marble | Stain or streak something so that it looks like marble. A pair of dramatic marbles showing dogs attacking a buck. |
masonry | Freemasonry. Hands roughened from carpentry and masonry. |
pave | Cover (a piece of ground) with flat stones or bricks; lay paving over. Pave the roads in the village. |
pavement | A raised paved or asphalted path for pedestrians at the side of a road. A pavement cafe. |
plaster | Apply a plaster cast or medical plaster to a part of the body. Are they expecting the air force to plaster the city tonight or what. |
porphyry | Any igneous rock with crystals embedded in a finer groundmass of minerals. |
resolved | Determined. Mysteries solved and unsolved problems resolved and unresolved. |
sculpt | Create or represent (something) by carving, casting, or other shaping techniques. She was teaching him how to sculpt. |
sculpture | Form or shape as if by sculpture especially with strong smooth curves. The choir stalls were each carefully sculptured. |
slab | Remove slabs from a log or tree to prepare it for sawing into planks. He handled the rope competently and set out up the centre of the slab. |
slate | Cover with slate. A grey slate roof. |
solid | A substance or object that is solid rather than liquid or fluid. The solid outline encloses the area within which we measured. |
steel | A rod of roughened steel on which knives are sharpened. Nerves of steel. |
stone | Build face or pave with stone. I weighed 10 stone. |
tarmac | A runway or other area surfaced with tarmac or a similar material. They ll be wanting to tarmac the path. |
tile | Cover with tiles. Tile the wall and the floor of the bathroom. |