CONDEMN: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONDEMN?

Need another word that means the same as “condemn”? Find 38 synonyms and 30 related words for “condemn” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Condemn” are: doom, sentence, decry, excoriate, objurgate, reprobate, censure, criticize, castigate, attack, denounce, deplore, revile, inveigh against, blame, chastise, berate, upbraid, reprimand, rebuke, reprove, reprehend, take to task, find fault with, give someone a bad press, give something a bad press, pass sentence on, destine, damn, foredoom, foreordain, mark someone out for, incriminate, prove to be guilty, prove one's guilt, implicate, declare unfit, declare unsafe

Condemn as a Verb

Definitions of "Condemn" as a verb

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “condemn” as a verb can have the following definitions:

  • Sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, especially death.
  • Pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law.
  • Declare or judge unfit for use or habitation.
  • Officially declare (something) to be unfit for use.
  • Demonstrate the guilt of (someone.
  • Appropriate (property) for public use.
  • Express strong disapproval of.
  • Compel or force into a particular state or activity.
  • (of circumstances) force (someone) to endure or accept something unpleasant.
  • Express complete disapproval of; censure.
  • Prove or show to be guilty or unsatisfactory.

Synonyms of "Condemn" as a verb (38 Words)

attackLaunch an attack or assault on begin hostilities or start warfare with.
The editors of the left leaning paper attacked the new House Speaker.
berateScold or criticize (someone) angrily.
She berated herself for being fickle.
blamePut or pin the blame on.
They blame youth crime on unemployment.
castigateInflict severe punishment on.
He was castigated for not setting a good example.
censureRebuke formally.
Shareholders censured the bank for its extravagance.
chastiseCensure severely.
The General cruelly chastised them with a whip.
criticizeAct as a critic.
A literary text may be criticized on two grounds the semantic and the expressive.
declare unfitMake a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official.
declare unsafeMake a declaration (of dutiable goods) to a customs official.
decryExpress strong disapproval of.
They decried human rights abuses.
denouncePublicly declare to be wrong or evil.
The Assembly denounced the use of violence.
deploreExpress strong disapproval of.
We deplore the government s treatment of political prisoners.
destineDesign or destine.
She was destined to become a great pianist.
doomDecree or designate beforehand.
Her plan was doomed to failure.
excoriateCriticize (someone) severely.
He excoriated the government for censorship.
find fault withPerceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place.
foredoomDoom beforehand.
The policy is foredoomed to failure.
foreordainForeordain or determine beforehand.
Progress is not foreordained.
give someone a bad pressAllow to have or take.
give something a bad pressCause to have, in the abstract sense or physical sense.
implicateImpose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result.
Viruses are known to be implicated in the development of certain cancers.
incriminateMake (someone) appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing.
He refused to answer questions in order not to incriminate himself.
inveigh againstSpeak against in an impassioned manner.
mark someone out forMake small marks into the surface of.
objurgateExpress strong disapproval of.
The old man objurgated his son.
pass sentence onThrow (a ball) to another player.
prove one's guiltProvide evidence for.
prove to be guiltyObtain probate of.
rebukeCensure severely or angrily.
The judge publicly rebuked the jury.
reprehendExpress strong disapproval of.
A recklessness which cannot be too severely reprehended.
reprimandAddress a reprimand to.
Officials were reprimanded for poor work.
reprobateExpress or feel disapproval of.
His neighbours reprobated his method of proceeding.
reproveReprimand (someone.
Don t be childish Hilary he reproved mildly.
revileSpread negative information about.
He was now reviled by the party that he had helped to lead.
sentencePronounce a sentence on somebody in a court of law.
Ten army officers were sentenced to life imprisonment.
take to taskTravel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route.
upbraidExpress criticism towards.
He was upbraided for his slovenly appearance.

Usage Examples of "Condemn" as a verb

  • The plan was condemned by campaigners.
  • She could see in his eyes that her stumble had condemned her.
  • He was condemned to ten years in prison.
  • Most leaders roundly condemned the attack.
  • Her strange behavior condemned her.
  • His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence.
  • The physical ailments that condemned him to a lonely childhood.
  • The county condemned the land to build a highway.
  • The building was condemned by the inspector.
  • The pool has been condemned as a health hazard.
  • The rebels had been condemned to death.
  • We condemn the racism in South Africa.

Associations of "Condemn" (30 Words)

anathemaA detested person.
Racial hatred was anathema to her.
anathematizeCurse or declare to be evil or anathema or threaten with divine punishment.
He anathematized them as bloody scroungers.
blamePut or pin the blame on.
They are trying to put the blame on us.
condemnation(law) the act of condemning (as land forfeited for public use) or judging to be unfit for use (as a food product or an unsafe building.
His uncompromising condemnation of racism.
condemningContaining or imposing condemnation or censure.
criticismThe analysis and judgement of the merits and faults of a literary or artistic work.
The senator received severe criticism from his opponent.
criticizeFind fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws.
The paper criticized the new movie.
curseInvoke or use a curse against.
She d put a curse on him.
decryExpress strong disapproval of.
They decried human rights abuses.
defameDamage the good reputation of (someone); slander or libel.
The journalists have defamed me.
degradingHarmful to the mind or morals.
The prisoners were subjected to cruel and degrading treatment.
denounceAnnounce the termination of, as of treaties.
Priests denounced him to the King for heresy.
deprecateExpress strong disapproval of; deplore.
Avoid the deprecated blink element that causes text to flash on and off.
derogateDeviate from (a set of rules or agreed form of behaviour.
One country has derogated from the Rome Convention.
disapprobationAn expression of strong disapproval; pronouncing as wrong or morally culpable.
She braved her mother s disapprobation and slipped out to enjoy herself.
disparageExpress a negative opinion of.
She disparaged her student s efforts.
disparagingExpressing the opinion that something is of little worth; derogatory.
Disparaging remarks about the new house.
disparaginglyIn a disparaging manner.
These mythological figures are described disparagingly as belonging only to a story.
execrationThe object of cursing or detestation; that which is execrated.
humiliateMake (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride.
You ll humiliate me in front of the whole school.
rebukeAn expression of sharp disapproval or criticism.
He hadn t meant it as a rebuke but Neil flinched.
reproachIn the Roman Catholic Church a set of antiphons and responses for Good Friday representing the reproaches of Christ to his people.
Her friends reproached her for not thinking enough about her family.
revileSpread negative information about.
He was now reviled by the party that he had helped to lead.
sarcasticExpressing or expressive of ridicule that wounds.
Making sarcastic comments.
satireA play novel film or other work which uses satire.
The crude satire seems to be directed at the fashionable protest singers of the time.
scold(of a bird) call loudly and persistently.
The gulls wheeled and scolded above the lake.
scoldingRebuking a person harshly.
She d get a scolding from Victoria.
swearAn offensive word used especially to express anger a swear word.
They were reluctant to swear allegiance.
vilifySpread negative information about.
He has been vilified in the press.
vituperativeBitter and abusive.
Her vituperative railing.

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