Need another word that means the same as “congregate”? Find 16 synonyms and 30 related words for “congregate” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
The synonyms of “Congregate” are: assemble, gather, collect, come together, flock together, get together, convene, rally, rendezvous, muster, meet, amass, crowd, cluster, throng, group
Congregate as a Verb
Definitions of "Congregate" as a verb
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “congregate” as a verb can have the following definitions:
- Gather into a crowd or mass.
- Come together, usually for a purpose.

Synonyms of "Congregate" as a verb (16 Words)
amass | Gather together in a crowd or group. The soldiers were amassing from all parts of Spain. |
assemble | (of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose. Assemble your colleagues. |
cluster | Gather or cause to gather into a cluster. Students tended to have marks clustering around 70 per cent. |
collect | Gather or collect. The children were collected from school. |
come together | Be a native of. |
convene | Meet formally. The committee had convened for its final plenary session. |
crowd | Cause to herd drive or crowd together. Men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah. |
flock together | Come together as in a cluster or flock. |
gather | Collect or gather. Gather some stones. |
get together | Evoke an emotional response. |
group | Form a group or group together. Growers began to group together to form cooperatives. |
meet | Meet by design be present at the arrival of. In the final group match England will meet the Australians. |
muster | Gather or bring together. Reporters mustered outside her house. |
rally | Drive in a rally. A series of meetings to rally support for the union. |
rendezvous | Meet at a rendezvous. I rendezvoused with Bea as planned. |
throng | Flock or be present in great numbers. Tourists thronged to the picturesque village. |

Usage Examples of "Congregate" as a verb
- The crowds congregated in front of the Vatican on Christmas Eve.
- Some 4,000 demonstrators had congregated at a border point.

Associations of "Congregate" (30 Words)
accumulate | Gather; build up. Her goal was to accumulate a huge fortune. |
accumulation | Several things grouped together or considered as a whole. The accumulation of paperwork on her desk. |
aggregation | Several things grouped together or considered as a whole. A desktop aggregation app that brings together Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn. |
amass | Gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of material or things) over a period of time. The soldiers were amassing from all parts of Spain. |
assemblage | The action of gathering or fitting things together. A loose assemblage of diverse groups. |
assemble | Create by putting components or members together. We assembled in the church basement. |
assembly | A group of people elected to make laws or decisions for a particular country or region. A decree guaranteeing freedom of assembly. |
batch | Batch together assemble or process as a batch. A batch of letters. |
bunch | Form into a bunch. She bunched the needles together. |
cheering | Shouting for joy or in praise or encouragement. Cheering news. |
cluster | Gather or cause to gather into a cluster. Noble metal clusters supported on an acidic carrier. |
cohort | A group of people with a common statistical characteristic. The 1940 4 birth cohort of women. |
collect | Gather or collect. I ve started collecting stamps. |
collection | A sum of money raised during a church or charity collection. She left the envelope in the office for collection. |
convene | Call together. The students were convened in the auditorium. |
convoke | Call together or summon (an assembly or meeting. She sent messages convoking a Council of Ministers. |
crowd | Cause to herd drive or crowd together. The crowd of tall buildings. |
cumulate | Attach two double bonds to the same carbon atom. Cumulate gabbro. |
flock | Of birds congregate in a flock. Tourists flock to Oxford in their thousands. |
gather | A part of a garment that is gathered. She lay gathering her thoughts together. |
gathered | Brought together in one place. The gathered folds of the skirt. |
gathering | The act of gathering something. A family gathering. |
heap | Form a heap. Her clothes lay in a heap on the floor. |
help | Give help or assistance be of service. The skimpy manual isn t much help for beginners. |
herd | Cause to herd drive or crowd together. The children resembled a fairy herd. |
jam | A hold obtained by jamming a part of the body such as a hand or foot into a crack in the rock. The band dedicated about a quarter of the set to new jams. |
sectional | Relating to or based upon a section (i.e. as if cut through by an intersecting plane. The chairman of the commission looked on sectional interests as a danger to the common good. |
socialize | Take part in social activities; interact with others. He never socializes with his colleagues. |
stack | Fill or cover a place or surface with stacks of things. Stack a truck with boxes. |
swarm | Of flying insects move in or form a swarm. The garden was swarming with bees. |