CONSISTED: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONSISTED?

Need another word that means the same as “consisted”? Find 30 related words for “consisted” in this overview.

Associations of "Consisted" (30 Words)

An audience consisting chiefly of women between the ages of 18 and 54.
commonlyVery often; frequently.
A commonly used industrial chemical.
comprehensiveA comprehensive school.
A comprehensive collection of photographs.
compriseForm or compose.
The country comprises twenty states.
connote(of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning.
The term modern science usually connotes a complete openness to empirical testing.
constituteCreate and charge with a task or function.
These constitute my entire belonging.
containContain or hold have within.
He must contain his hatred.
elementEach of more than one hundred substances that cannot be chemically interconverted or broken down into simpler substances and are primary constituents of matter Each element is distinguished by its atomic number i e the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms.
The death had all the elements of a great tabloid story.
encompassInclude in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one’s sphere or territory.
An act designed to encompass the death of the king.
entailA property bequeathed under an entail.
The damage being done in England by entails.
entangleCause to become twisted together with or caught in.
The child entangled the cord.
factorWith numeral a sunscreen of the sun protection factor specified.
A number of factors determined the outcome.
haveHave gained a qualification.
How many cars does she have.
implicateImpose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result.
He implicated his government in the murders of three judges.
implicitBeing without doubt or reserve.
Implicit trust.
includeMake part of a whole or set.
The price includes dinner bed and breakfast.
incorporateForm a corporation.
Limited liability companies could only be incorporated under the 1930 Act.
largelyTo a great extent; on the whole; mostly.
He was soon arrested largely through the efforts of Tom Poole.
mainlyFor the most part.
He is mainly interested in butterflies.
makeupAn event that is substituted for a previously cancelled event.
The two teams played a makeup one week later.
mostlyIn large part; mainly or chiefly.
The culprits are mostly but not exclusively male.
normallyAt right angles to a given line or surface.
Normally it takes three or four years to complete the training.
ordinarilyUnder normal conditions.
A person who is ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.
organizeArrange systematically; order.
The soul doth organize the body.
overwhelminglyTo a very great degree or with a great majority.
The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive.
primarilyOf primary import.
Around 80 per cent of personal computers are used primarily for word processing.
principallyFor the most part; chiefly.
He was principally a landscape painter.
redefineGive a new or different definition to.
The role of the Emperor was redefined.
usuallyUnder normal conditions.
He usually arrives home about one o clock.
wont(of a person) in the habit of doing something; accustomed.
Constance as was her wont had paid her little attention.

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