CONSOLATORY: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for CONSOLATORY?

Need another word that means the same as “consolatory”? Find 2 synonyms and 30 related words for “consolatory” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Consolatory” are: comforting, consoling

Consolatory as an Adjective

Definitions of "Consolatory" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “consolatory” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Affording comfort or solace.

Synonyms of "Consolatory" as an adjective (2 Words)

comfortingServing to improve a person’s mood or restore a sense of physical well-being.
A comforting bowl of soup.
consolingAffording comfort or solace.
His sister gave him a consoling pat on the back.

Associations of "Consolatory" (30 Words)

antechamberA small room leading to a main one.
The antechamber to an interview room.
bathroomA set of matching units to be fitted in a bathroom especially as sold together.
I have to go to the bathroom.
bedroomA room used primarily for sleeping.
A two bedroom flat.
bowlA wooden ball with flattened sides so that it rolls on a curved course used in the game of lawn bowling.
A toilet bowl.
bucketThe quantity contained in a bucket.
A bucket and spade.
cabinetPersons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers.
A cocktail cabinet.
cleaverA butcher’s knife having a large square blade.
A meat cleaver.
doorstepA thick slice of bread.
He was being doorstepped by the tabloids.
drawerA box-shaped storage compartment without a lid, made to slide horizontally in and out of a desk, chest, or other piece of furniture.
The banker would have rights as holder to pursue the drawer.
faucetA tap.
furnitureThe small accessories or fittings that are required for a particular task or function.
The more sophisticated Mac furniture number wheels colour pickers and so on.
gallonA unit of liquid capacity equal to 3.79 litres.
Gallons of fake blood.
gatewayA frame or arch built around or over a gate.
To me a home in the country was a gateway to happiness.
hatchetA small axe with a short handle for use in one hand.
jambA side post or surface of a doorway, window, or fireplace.
He leaned against the door jamb.
kitchenA set of fitments and units that are sold together and fixed in place in a kitchen.
Kitchen Swahili.
knockThe sound of knocking as on a door or in an engine or bearing.
He s younger than his brother knocking seventy.
latticedHaving a pattern of fretwork or latticework.
A latticed screen.
lintelHorizontal beam used as a finishing piece over a door or window.
pailThe quantity contained in a pail.
paneA panel or section of panels in a wall or door.
rackMove by a rack and pinion.
Rack leather.
restroomA room in a public building for people to relax or recover in.
roomThe people present in a room.
There s room for improvement in the way the programme is managed.
sillA strong horizontal beam forming a base in the frame of a timber-framed building.
suiteA set of rooms designated for one person’s or family’s use or for a particular purpose.
The Royal Saloon was built for the use of the Queen and her suite.
thresholdThe sill of a door; a horizontal piece of wood or stone that forms the bottom of a doorway and offers support when passing through a doorway.
The inheritance tax threshold.
tubThe amount that a tub will hold.
Even your formal evening gown can be tubbed.
upstairsOn a floor above.
The upstairs maid.
windowA space behind the window of a shop where goods are displayed for sale.
They had a window of less than an hour when an attack would have succeeded.

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