COOKIE CUTTER: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COOKIE CUTTER?

Need another word that means the same as “cookie cutter”? Find 30 related words for “cookie cutter” in this overview.

Associations of "Cookie cutter" (30 Words)

baconEnglish statesman and philosopher; precursor of British empiricism; advocated inductive reasoning (1561-1626.
A bacon sandwich.
bakeA social gathering at which baked food of a specified kind is eaten.
Bake the potatoes.
baked(of food) cooked by dry heat in an oven.
I just want to get baked and watch a movie.
bakeryA place where bread and cakes are made or sold.
Bakery items.
breadCover with bread crumbs.
A bread roll.
cakeSmall flat mass of chopped food.
The blood under his nose was beginning to cake.
cinnamonSpice from the dried aromatic bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree used as rolled strips or ground.
He wore a short sleeved shirt and pale cinnamon slacks.
cooked(of food or a meal) prepared by heating.
As the result of cooked books stock prices soared.
crispMake wrinkles or creases on a smooth surface make a pressed folded or wrinkled line in crisp is archaic.
The crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot.
crispy(of food) having a firm, dry, and brittle surface or texture.
Crispy fried bacon.
crumbRemove crumbs from.
A crispy crumb topping.
crumbleA pudding made with crumble and fruit.
The party s fragile unity began to crumble.
crustForm a crust or form into a crust.
A crust of snow.
deliA shop selling ready-to-eat food products.
friedExhausted or worn out.
I had just come from doing a shoot and I was really fried.
fryA social gathering where fried food is served.
Put half a dozen steaks to fry in a pan.
grillCook over or under a grill.
Grill the trout for five minutes.
grilledCooked over an outdoor grill.
hamSon of Noah.
Thin slices of ham.
loafA shaped mass of baked bread that is usually sliced before eating.
Sugar loaf.
ovenA small furnace or kiln.
The sun was beating down on to my little tent and it was like an oven in there.
pastryAn item of food consisting of sweet pastry with a cream jam or fruit filling.
Spread the mixture over the pastry.
pizzaA dish of Italian origin, consisting of a flat round base of dough baked with a topping of tomatoes and cheese, typically with added meat, fish, or vegetables.
A cheese and tomato pizza.
porkGorge oneself with food.
Pork chops.
raisinA partially dried grape.
roastAn outdoor party at which meat of a particular type is roasted.
She was going to roast a leg of mutton for Sunday dinner.
sandwichSomething that is constructed like or has the form of a sandwich.
The girl was sandwiched between two burly men in the back of the car.
sausageAn object shaped like a sausage.
Silly sausage he teased.
smokedDried and cured by hanging in wood smoke.
They were hidden behind the smoked glass of their limos.
toasterAn electrical device for making toast.

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