COPYCAT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COPYCAT?

Need another word that means the same as “copycat”? Find 9 synonyms for “copycat” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Copycat” are: ape, aper, emulator, imitator, impersonator, impressionist, mimicker, similar, like

Copycat as a Noun

Definitions of "Copycat" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “copycat” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • (especially in children's use) a person who copies another's behaviour, dress, or ideas.
  • Denoting an action, typically a crime, carried out in imitation of another.
  • Someone who copies the words or behavior of another.

Synonyms of "Copycat" as a noun (9 Words)

apeUsed in names of macaque monkeys with short tails e g Barbary ape.
Cunning is but the ape of wisdom.
aperSomeone who copies the words or behavior of another.
emulatorSomeone who copies the words or behavior of another.
imitatorSomeone who copies the words or behavior of another.
The show s success has sparked off many imitators.
impersonatorA person who pretends to be someone else for entertainment or fraud.
A well known Elvis impersonator.
impressionistA painter who follows the theories of Impressionism.
likeA kind of person.
I know him him and his like.
mimickerSomeone who mimics (especially an actor or actress.
Syphilis is considered the great mimicker.
similarA person or thing similar to another.
He was one of those whose similar you never meet.

Usage Examples of "Copycat" as a noun

  • All writers are copycats.
  • Copycat killings.

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