COVERT: Synonyms and Related Words. What is Another Word for COVERT?

Need another word that means the same as “covert”? Find 26 synonyms and 30 related words for “covert” in this overview.

The synonyms of “Covert” are: secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, stealthy, closet, backstairs, hugger-mugger, concealed, hidden, private, concealment, cover, screen, undergrowth, vegetation, shrubbery, greenery, ground cover, underwood, brushwood, brush, scrub, underscrub, plume, quill

Covert as a Noun

Definitions of "Covert" as a noun

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “covert” as a noun can have the following definitions:

  • A flock of coots.
  • A covering that serves to conceal or shelter something.
  • A feather covering the base of a main flight or tail feather of a bird.
  • A thicket in which game can hide.

Synonyms of "Covert" as a noun (15 Words)

brushThe act of brushing your hair.
The lightest brush of his lips against her cheek.
brushwoodUndergrowth, twigs, and small branches.
They built a fire of brushwood.
concealmentSomething that acts as a hiding place; cover.
The deliberate concealment of material facts.
coverThe protective covering on the front back and spine of a book.
He pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep.
greeneryGreen foliage.
ground coverA rational motive for a belief or action.
plumeA part of an animal’s body that resembles a feather.
A radioactive plume.
quillThe hollow spine of a feather.
A dish of pasta quills tossed in a spicy tomato sauce.
screenA windscreen of a motor vehicle.
He is interviewed on screen.
scrubAn act of scrubbing something or someone.
Don t use facial scrubs if your skin is sensitive.
shrubberyAn area in a garden planted with shrubs.
undergrowthA dense growth of shrubs and other plants, especially under trees in woodland.
They cleared a path through the undergrowth.
underscrubUndergrowth, especially in a forest.
The underscrub was wiregrass and small rushes.
underwoodSmall trees and shrubs growing beneath taller timber trees.
The second crop was of underwood and coppice.
vegetationPlants considered collectively, especially those found in a particular area or habitat.
Their holiday was spent in sleep and vegetation.

Usage Examples of "Covert" as a noun

  • The brush provided a covert for game.
  • It is a good omen when a covert of coots have taken to any particular locality.

Covert as an Adjective

Definitions of "Covert" as an adjective

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “covert” as an adjective can have the following definitions:

  • Not openly acknowledged or displayed.
  • Being under the protection of her husband.
  • (of a wife) being under the protection of her husband.
  • Secret or hidden; not openly practiced or engaged in or shown or avowed.

Synonyms of "Covert" as an adjective (11 Words)

backstairsSecret and sly or sordid- A.L.Guerard.
Backstairs intimacies.
clandestineKept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.
She deserved better than these clandestine meetings.
closetSecret; covert.
A closet smoker.
concealedKept secret; hidden.
A concealed compartment in his briefcase.
furtiveSecret and sly or sordid.
Furtive behavior.
hiddenKept out of sight; concealed.
Concealed or hidden damage.
hugger-muggerConducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods.
privateConcerning things deeply private and personal.
Can we go somewhere a little more private.
secretOf information given in confidence or in secret.
The resupply effort was probably kept secret from Congress.
stealthyMarked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.
Stealthy footsteps.
surreptitiousConducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods.
Surreptitious mobilization of troops.

Usage Examples of "Covert" as an adjective

  • Covert operations against the dictatorship.
  • Covert actions by the CIA.
  • A woman covert.
  • Covert funding for the rebels.

Associations of "Covert" (30 Words)

artfulNot straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness- David Cannadine.
An artful choice of metaphors.
clandestineConducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods.
Clandestine intelligence operations.
concealedNot accessible to view.
A concealed weapon.
concealmentThe action of hiding something or preventing it from being known.
The deliberate concealment of material facts.
craftyInvolving the making of decorative objects and other things by hand.
They are looking for crafty people to join the group to make ornaments.
denA wild mammal s hidden home a lair.
An opium den.
disguisedConcealed or obscured; made unrecognizable.
Are all of your novels disguised autobiography.
esotericConfined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle.
A compilation of esoteric philosophical theories.
esotericaSecrets known only to an initiated minority.
A professor of such esoterica as angelology and comparative shamanism.
espionageThe systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets.
The camouflage and secrecy of espionage.
furtiveSuggestive of guilty nervousness.
He stole a furtive glance at her.
hiddenDesigned to elude detection.
Concealed or hidden damage.
infiltrate(of a liquid) permeate (something) by filtration.
Lignocaine was infiltrated into the wound.
infiltrationThe spread of a tumour, cells, etc. into a tissue or organ.
This mosaic was in danger of being lost because of the infiltration of rainwater.
lairThe habitation of wild animals.
Their ashes now lie buried in a lair in the Glasgow necropolis.
operativeRelating to or requiring or amenable to treatment by surgery especially as opposed to medicine.
The transmitter is operative.
secrecyThe action of keeping something secret or the state of being kept secret.
The bidding is conducted in secrecy.
secretGiven in confidence or in secret.
Secret or private thoughts.
secretive(of a person or an organization) inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose information.
Secretive deals.
slyShowing in an insinuating way that one has some secret knowledge that may be harmful or embarrassing.
He gave a sly grin.
sneakSomeone who prowls or sneaks about usually with unlawful intentions.
A sneak preview.
spyA secret agent hired by a state to obtain information about its enemies or by a business to obtain industrial secrets from competitors.
He could spy a figure in the distance.
stealthyMarked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.
Stealthy footsteps.
subterraneanLying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed)- Bertrand Russell.
The subterranean world of the behind the scenes television power brokers.
surreptitiousMarked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed.
Surreptitious mobilization of troops.
ulteriorBeyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote- G.B.Shaw.
A suggestion ulterior to the present discussion.
undercoverConducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods.
He worked undercover in Northern Ireland.
undergroundA member of an underground political group or movement.
In Paris the subway system is called the metro and in London it is called the tube or the underground.
unopenedNot yet opened or unsealed.
Unopened mail.
wilyMarked by skill in deception.
His wily opponents.

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